
Sexual health and blood borne virus action plan: 2023 to 2026

This action plan outlines the sexual health and blood borne virus (HIV, hepatitis C, hepatitis B) priorities for Scotland for 2023 to 2026.


Whilst the immediate priority for Scotland's sexual health and BBV sector is to continue to recover following the COVID-19 pandemic and the other challenges, we should be willing to set goals that are ambitious in making Scotland a place where everyone has good sexual health and wellbeing and where we take on challenges like the elimination of HIV transmission and HCV as a public health concern.

The actions in this plan are ambitious but achievable. The sexual health and BBV sector have shown dedication during difficult recent years, and we once again extend our gratitude to them for their commitment and creativity during exceptionally challenging times.

This Action Plan is designed to focus on the key initial actions that are needed to improve outcomes relating to sexual health and wellbeing, and to improve access to contraception, STI and BBV diagnosis and care in Scotland . There will be more work ongoing that addresses local needs and regional variation, but this Action Plans highlights the national priorities. We will continue to work with stakeholders to support them to deliver these actions and provide sufficient challenge to implement real change whilst continuing to build on the solid foundations that have been developed over recent years.



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