
Sexual health and blood borne virus action plan: 2023 to 2026

This action plan outlines the sexual health and blood borne virus (HIV, hepatitis C, hepatitis B) priorities for Scotland for 2023 to 2026.

Annex A - Summary of actions

Action 1: Scottish Government to review governance structures and form a Ministerial-led Sexual Health and BBV Oversight group.

Action 2: PHS with support from sexual health and BBV National Monitoring Assurance and Research Group (NMARG) to develop a data monitoring plan to accompany this Action Plan by end of March 2024.

Action 3: Scottish Government to commission upgrades to NaSH system to improve patient pathways for sexual health and HIV services with longer term investment into NaSH considered by Scottish Government and NHS Boards.

Action 4: NHS Boards should take steps to collaborate on sexual health and BBV service delivery where possible and appropriate.

Action 5: Scottish Government to arrange support visits to Boards in line with local need.

Action 6: Scottish Government to work with national organisations to progress the roll out of a nationally available Online postal self-sampling service.

Action 7: NHS Boards, Scottish Government and Women's health champion will collaborate to identify opportunities to improve women's access to LARC, as outlined in the WHPand working alongside LARC SLWG.

Action 8 : As per the Women's Health Plan and working alongside the WHPand the LARC SLWG, NHS Boards to ensure that discussions on contraception take place during pregnancy and that women are offered adequate and appropriate information on their options, as well as rapid access to their preferred method.

Action 9: Scottish Government to work with NHS Boards to improve access to post-abortion contraception through co-design of service models in Scotland.

Action 10: Scottish Government to evaluate the existing provision of PoP in community pharmacies and consider how to further promote this service.

Action 11: Scottish Government to undertake work to ensure that young people have access to clear, accurate sexual health and contraceptive advice, allowing them to make informed choices about their reproductive choices and sexual health.

Action 12: A definition of sexual wellbeing and will be co-developed by the University of Glasgow and stakeholders with accompanying key indicators

Action 13: PHS with support from National Monitoring Assurance and Research Group (NMARG) to use these key indicators to produce baseline data for Scotland, ensuring that reporting and benchmarking can be used to effectively track progress.

Action 14: Boards to continue to work towards their HCV elimination target for 2023/24 and 2024/25

Action 15 : HIV Transmission Elimination Scoping Group to identify priorities within HIV transmission elimination proposal, and establish an HIV Transmission Elimination Implementation SLWG to oversee delivery of the actions.

Action 16: Scottish Government to publish a HIV Transmission Elimination delivery plan outlining prioritisation of recommendations.

Action 17: A review of the epidemiology and data collection of HBV in Scotland and services provided to reduce HBV related illness and deaths will be undertaken during 2023-2026



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