
Sexual Health & Wellbeing Survey: Main Findings

This report summarises findings from an online survey of 1,500 adults in Scotland who had been in a sexual relationship in the past year.

Annex A: questionnaire

You are invited to take part in a survey that will ask adults in Scotland about their sexual health and wellbeing and their relationships.

The survey is for people currently in a sexual relationship or who have had a sexual relationship in the last 12 months.

The information gathered through this survey will be used to help plan and improve education and sexual health and wellbeing services in Scotland. Findings from the survey will assist the Scottish Government in developing its strategy around this topic.

At the moment there are gaps in the information that is used to help plan and design services for the public and this survey will help fill some of these gaps.

Please note that all of the information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence, in line with the Market Research Society guidelines and no-one looking at the study findings will be able to identify you in any way.

We recognise that some of the questions in this survey are particularly personal and sensitive. This includes questions about your sexual experiences and sex life. You are free to stop answering the questions at any point and if you do this the answers you have provided up to that point will not be stored in any way.

In order to begin the survey please click the button below.

[A1] Which of these is true for you at the moment?
<1> I am not currently in a sexual relationship
<2> I am currently in a sexual relationship with one person
<3> I am currently in a sexual relationship with more than one person
<4> Prefer not to say

[A2 if A1==1 or A1==4] Have you been in a sexual relationship in the last 12 months?
<1> Yes
<2> No
<3> Prefer not to say

{exit status=screenout if A2 in [2,3]}

#from this point on, only those who are in a sexual relationship or have been in the last 12 months

[A3] What gender is your partner? (If you currently have more than one partner, please pick the one you are closest to or have been with the longest)
<3>Female to male transgender
<4>Male to female transgender
<5>Other [A3_other] {open}

[A4] In the last year, have you had any health conditions or disability that you feel has affected your sexual enjoyment in any way?
<1>Yes I have had a health condition that has affected my sexual activity and enjoyment
<2>No I have NOT had a health condition that has affected my sexual activity and enjoyment
<3>Prefer not to say

[A5]One average which of the following best applies to you? I have sex… (If you are not currently in a sexual relationship please think about the last sexual relationship you had)
<1> Once a week or more
<2> At least once a month
<3> At least once every six months
<4> At least once a year
<5> Less often than once a year

#Ask all who have ever been/ are currently in a sexual relationship
[B1] {grid roworder=randomize} When talking about sex with your current or most recent partner, how easy or difficult would it be for you to …….?
-[B1_a] Ask if they have ever had a sexually transmitted infection?
-[B1_b] Discuss contraception (birth control) (e.g. the pill)?
-[B1_c] Discuss condom use?
-[B1_d] Refuse to have sex if they won't use a condom?
-[B1_e] Make the first move with sex?
-[B1_f] Tell them that you like a specific sexual activity?
-[B1_g] Tell them you do not want to have sex?
-[B1_h] Tell them if a certain sexual activity makes you uncomfortable?
-[B1_i] Ask a partner about the kind of sex they want?

<1>Very difficult
<4>Very easy
<5>Not applicable to me

[D1] {grid roworder=randomize} Thinking about the past year, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
-[D1_a]I feel happy with my sexual relationship/s
-[D1_b]I feel happy with my sex life

<1>Strongly agree
<3>Neither agree nor disagree
<5>Strongly disagree

[D2] {grid roworder=randomize} The last time you had sex … how much do you agree or disagree that you?
-[D2_a] Felt safe and comfortable
-[D2_b] Enjoyed the physical feelings
-[D2_c] Felt emotionally close to the other person
-[D2_d] Enjoyed the pleasure I gave to the other person

<1>Strongly agree
<3>Neither agree nor disagree
<5>Strongly disagree

The next few questions are about your sex life. Some questions use the term 'having sex'. By this we mean vaginal, oral, or anal sexual intercourse.

[C1] {multiple order=randomize} In the last year, have you experienced any of the following for a period of three months or longer?
<1>Lack of interest in having sex
<2>Lack of enjoyment in sex
<3>Felt anxious during sex or felt anxious about having sex
<4>Felt physical pain, or feared feeling physical pain as a result of sex
<5>Felt no excitement or arousal during sex
<6>Did not reach a climax or took a long time to reach a climax
<7>Reached a climax more quickly than you would like
<8 if female>Had an uncomfortably dry vagina
<9 if male>Had trouble getting or keeping an erection
<10 fixed xor>I did not experience any of these

#those who had experienced at least one problem
[C2 if not 10 in C1] {grid} And how did you feel about this?
-[C2a if 1 in C1] Lack of interest in having sex
-[C2b if 2 in C1] Lack of enjoyment in sex
-[C2c if 3 in C1] Felt anxious during sex or felt anxious about having sex
-[C2d if 4 in C1] Felt physical pain, or feared feeling physical pain as a result of sex
-[C2e if 5 in C1] Felt no excitement or arousal during sex
-[C2f if 6 in C1] Did not reach a climax or took a long time to reach a climax
-[C2g if 7 in C1] Reached a climax more quickly than you would like
-[C2h if 8 in C1] Had an uncomfortably dry vagina
-[C2i if 9 in C1] Had trouble getting or keeping an erection

<1> Not at all distressed
<2> A little distressed
<3> Fairly distressed
<4> Very distressed

[C3] Have you avoided sex in the last year because of sexual difficulties, either your own or your (ex) partner's?
<3>Prefer not to say

#All that have avoided sex
[C4 if C3==1] {multiple order=randomize} For which, if any, of the following reasons did you avoid sex in the last year?
<1>Lack of interest in having sex
<2>Lack of enjoyment in sex
<3>Felt anxious during sex or felt anxious about having sex
<4>Felt physical pain, or feared feeling physical pain as a result of sex
<5>Felt no excitement or arousal during sex
<6>Did not reach a climax or took a long time to reach a climax previously
<7>Had previously reached a climax more quickly than would have liked
<8 if female> Had an uncomfortably dry vagina
<9 if male> Had trouble getting or keeping an erection
<10>My partner had sexual difficulties
<11 fixed>Other reason
<12 fixed xor>Refused

[C5] {multiple} Thinking about the last year, from which, if any, of the following sources have you sought help or advice regarding your sex life?
<1>Family member/friend/ partner
<2>Self-help books/information leaflets
<3>GP/Family doctor
<4>Sexual health/GUM/STI clinic
<5>Other type of clinic or doctor
<6>Sexualhealthscotland website
<7>Other websites
<8>Self-help groups
<10>Relationship counsellor
<12>Other source
<13 xor>None - have not sought any help

[E1] In the last year how many times have you had sex you regretted? Please type in the number e.g. '1'. If never please type in '0'
<1> Number of times [E1_open] {open}
<2> Prefer not to say

[F1a] In the last year, how many times have being drunk got in the way of your being able to have enjoyable sex?
<1> Never, because I don't drink
<2> Never
<3> Number of times [F1a_open] {open}
<4> Prefer not to say

[F1b] In the last year, how many times have being high (taking drugs) got in the way of your being able to have enjoyable sex?
<1> Never, because I don't take drugs
<2> Never
<3> Number of times [F1b_open] {open}
<4> Prefer not to say

[F2] {grid roworder=randomize} And in the last year, have you been .…?
-[F2_a] Humiliated or emotionally abused in other ways by a partner or ex-partner?
-[F2_b] Afraid of a partner or ex-partner?
-[F2_c] Forced to have any kind of sexual activity by a partner or ex-partner?
-[F2_d] Kicked, hit, slapped or otherwise physically hurt by a partner or ex-partner without your consent?
-[F2_e] Told by a partner who you could see and where you could go?

<3>Prefer not to say

Finally, just a few questions about you that are used for analysis only, please be reassured that all the information you provide is not connected to your identity and analysed in an anonymous way.

[GenderA] Which of the following best describes your gender?
<3>Female to male transgender
<4>Male to female transgender
<5>Other [GenderA_other]{open}

Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?
<1> Heterosexual
<2> Gay or lesbian
<3> Bisexual
<4> Other
<5> Prefer not to say

Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months?
<1> Yes, limited a lot
<2> Yes, limited a little
<3> No

What is your current marital or relationship status?
<1> Married
<2> In a civil partnership
<3> Separated but still legally married or in a civil partnership
<4> Living with a partner but neither married nor in a civil partnership
<5> In a relationship, but not living together
<6> Single

[work_status] Which of these applies to you?
<1> Working full time (30 or more hours per week)
<2> Working part time (8-29 hours a week)
<3> Working part time (Less than 8 hours a week)
<4> Full time student
<5> Retired
<6> Unemployed
<7> Not working
<8> Other

Thank you for completing this survey.

If you are interested in finding out more about the topics covered by this survey, Sexual Health Scotland offers accurate information and advice online and can also help you to identify services in your area. It covers topics such as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), pregnancy, contraception, HIV testing and treatment and where to get further help. It also aims to encourage people to be more open about sex and relationships.

You can also call the NHS 24 Information line on 0800 22 44 88

If you have any queries about how the information you have provided will now be used, please email YouGov on

The questions used in the survey were based on a questionnaire that was previously developed by University College London for the NATSAL and SexUnzipped surveys. We would like to thank them for allowing us to use their survey as the basis for this one.


Email: Fiona MacDonald

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