
Sexual Health & Wellbeing Survey: Main Findings

This report summarises findings from an online survey of 1,500 adults in Scotland who had been in a sexual relationship in the past year.


1. No respondent described themselves as 'transgender'. As a result, 'LGB' is used instead of the more common 'LGBT' to better reflect the composition of the respondent subgroup.

2. NATSAL-3 - Highlights (page 1). (

3. This is broadly comparable with data from the Scottish Health Survey. This first of all asks, Do you have a physical or mental condition or illness lasting, or expected to last, 12 months or more?' Those who respond positively are asked to select from a list of common conditions and then are asked to assess whether it limits their activities a lot, a little or not at all. In 2012, 32% respondents reported that their activities were affected by a long-term condition. (Scottish Health Survey 2012. Volume 1: Main Report -

4. These figures are higher than a comparison with findings from NATSAL-3 where prevalence of these issues was 51% for women and 42% for men. NATSAL-3 - Highlights (page 2). (

5. This is a higher figure than NATSAL-3 which put the avoidance of sex due to sexual difficulties at 11% of men and 13% of women NATSAL-3 - Highlights (page 2). (


Email: Fiona MacDonald

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