
SG Response to Consultation: Marine Resources – Ensuring Long Term Sustainability: Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM)

Scottish Government response to public consultation on Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM)

6. Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA)

6.1 Q14: Taking into account the Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) supplementing this consultation, do you have any comments or views which you would like to put forward?

The consultation was supplemented by a partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA), providing an assessment of how the proposed REM requirement would impact businesses. Owing to the open nature of the question, views were varied.

Some respondents felt the issues identified in the BRIA warranted discussion separately to the consultation, such as in forums like the Fisheries Management and Conservation group (FMAC). Others noted the BRIA did not cost the analysis steps associated with REM data, expressing doubts that analysis of REM data by fisheries authorities would be comprehensive. A more general comment felt the government was not best placed to make assertations on competitiveness in relation to private businesses. Whether or not this may be the case, the Scottish Government has a statutory duty to explore the likely costs, benefits and risks of any proposed legislation.

These viewpoints will be taken on board in the development of the BRIA being prepared to accompany the planned legislation. In particular, the internal costs to the Scottish Government of using REM data for both compliance and science purposes will be further developed.



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