
Shaping Scotland's economy: inward investment plan

Shaping Scotland’s Economy: Scotland’s Inward Investment Plan sets out our ambition for Scotland as a leading destination for inward investment aligned with our values as a nation.

10 Summary

The Programme for Government 2019-2020 committed to publishing an evidence-led plan for inward investment.

The 4th Industrial Revolution, Brexit and the Covid-19 pandemic present great global challenges but also great opportunities for change.

Inward investment makes a distinct and positive impact on Scotland’s economy.

The Inward Investment Plan sets out the rationale and evidence for actions that position inward investment to play a key role in our economic recovery.

Scotland has performed well in the past on winning inward investment projects but our previous approach has been focused on landing new projects and jobs.

In the future, we will proactively target opportunities that will create not only jobs but also bring wider spillover benefits that will positively impact Scotland’s regions and wider economy.

We will focus our effort on the nine opportunity areas where Scotland’s strengths meet the world’s needs, intersecting with future global investment flows.

The proposed strategic approach focuses the existing investment ecosystem to attract inward investors aligned with our vales of fair work and a net zero, low carbon future.

This Plan sets out the priorities, platforms and policies of this focused approach to inward investment. It has the potential, under certain conditions, to create in the region of an additional 20,000 jobs, increase Scottish GDP by £4.2bn, boost Scottish exports by £2.1bn, and add up to £680m in additional government revenues per annum.

Scotland is developing a strong narrative as an open, progressive, inclusive sustainable country with a clear set of values set out in the National Performance Framework. It is important that our work to attract inward investment aligns and contributes to that narrative in order to deliver our ambition for Scotland.

Scotland is developing a strong narrative as an open, progressive, inclusive sustainable country with a clear set of values set out in the National Performance Framework



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