
Shared Outcomes Assurance Group: project updates

Project updates for the Shared Outcomes Assurance Group.

Progress since last meeting of SOAG

The draft project initiation document for the lifelong learning mission has been completed and shared with SDS and SFC for comment.

Details of the new lifelong learning offer have been included in the draft Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan, building on the NSET commitment and reaffirming our desire to support those most in need (primarily those experiencing in-work poverty).

Both evaluations of the Flexible Workforce Development Fund (FWDF) and Individual Training Accounts (ITAs) are progressing well and initial internal desk research is also underway on lifelong learning.

National Transition Training Fund (NTTF) delivery for 2021/2022 is ongoing. In the most recent round of partner reports projects had cumulatively reported supporting 6,125 individuals in addition to 274 employers. Demand is varying across projects with some projects projecting lower than anticipated volumes.

North East Economic Recovery and Skills Fund (NEERSF) delivery for 2021/2022 is also ongoing. Recent reports showed that projects had supported 1264 individuals and 118 employers. Partners are largely reporting strong demand and positive results to date.

Planned activity over the next period:

  • prior to the next meeting we will have held the first project steering group meeting and begun to scope further research requirements with the help of SFC/SDS
  • we will also have started a stakeholder engagement exercise to gather views from various audiences
  • continued delivery of ITAs, FWDF, NTTF and NEERSF

FA AND GA delivery

  • phase 1 (AY21/22) Close Reports for FA and GA highlighting benefits and lessons learned going into Phase 2 completed through JEG governance
  • agreed Scottish Government FWES and ALS attendance at JEG meetings going forward
  • phase 2 (AY22/23) Project Status Reports prepared monthly summarising and RAG rating progress and activities planned for next reporting period in line with agreed milestone plans and workstreams. Governed via monthly JEG and used as basis of reporting to SG. Summary below.

Phase 2 FA progress update:

  • SFC conversations with Colleges to confirm FA allocations approach for 2,500 opportunities
  • SFC key governance meeting - Finance Committee on 25 February to inform Board decisions on 11 March
  • SFC meetings with individual Colleges re indicative allocations in progress
  • SDS FA awards approach for LA/ILPs agreed with SG and via internal SDS governance for 2,500 opportunities. Awards issuing week commencing 14 March
  • policy considerations discussed with SAAB and SG to inform FA allocations for AY22/23
  • joint holding communications issued in advance of allocations / awards being confirmed
  • FA recruitment campaign in progress aligned to school option choice window
  • workstream progress (7 workstreams) monitored through weekly Joint Working Group and JEG governance
  • phase 2 milestone plan RAG status tracked. Actions agreed for all milestones off-track for next reporting period to return to green. Update at next JEG 31st March
  • SOAG draft project level logic model submitted

Phase 2 GA progress update:

  • SFC conversations with Universities w/c 14 March to confirm GA allocations approach for AY22/23 for c1,370 opportunities
  • indicative allocations to SFC key governance meeting - Finance Committee on 25 February to inform Board decisions on 11 March
  • policy considerations discussed with SAAB and SG to inform GA allocations for AY22/23
  • joint holding communications issued in advance of allocations / awards being confirmed
  • workstream progress (7 workstreams) monitored through weekly Joint Working Group and JEG governance
  • phase 2 milestone plan RAG status tracked. Actions agreed for all milestones off-track for next reporting period to return to green. Update at next JEG 31 March
  • SOAG draft project level logic model submitted

CESAP pathfinder update

Work package 1

Action 1: deliver and maintain a comprehensive picture and evidence-based assessment of skills demand.

Action 1.1: developing a Definition of Green Jobs.

Progress since last meeting of SOAG:

  • to support the University of Warwick and Strathclyde commissioned definitions work a short life working group established of CESAP Implementation Steering Group members - SFC, SE, HIE, SOSE, Energy Skills Partnership, OCEA, SG Skills
  • first meeting of SLWG on 17 February to consider approach to defining green jobs and review early outputs form Warwick and Strathclyde
  • review of ‘green’ sector definitions and consultation with SDS Industry Sector Managers underway

Planned activity over the next period:

  • final agreed definitions of green jobs and sectors anticipated by early April to facilitate mapping to the current Scottish workforce

Action 1.2: ‘Green’ Investment Mapping.

Progress since last meeting of SOAG:

  • scoping work underway with SDS CESAP Industry Sector Manager to develop the approach to mapping out investment across sectors and regions

Planned activity over the next period:

  • development of a Brief for an external commission to undertake this work

Action 1.3 reviewing Datasets and Research Relevant to the Transition to Net Zero.

Progress since last meeting of SOAG:

  • review has begun starting with the research supporting the Warwick/Strathclyde definitional work

Planned activity over the next period:

  • this is a significant piece of work which will continue over the next couple of months

Action 2: comprehensive mapping of skills provision across colleges, universities, and through apprenticeships and upskilling/reskilling.

Action 2.1: developing a taxonomy of ‘green provision’.

Progress since last meeting of SOAG:

  • review of existing research/literature on identifying green provision (including original CESAP, College Scotland submission etc) has begun
  • progress dependent on outputs from Action 1, so propose to push out timeline for this by one month (March to June 2022) to be reviewed

Planned activity over the next period:

  • establishment of a wider project team including SDS/SFC work based learning and course subject matter experts to agree scope of ‘green provision’.

Action 2.2  developing a Process Map of ‘Green Provision’.

Progress since last meeting of SOAG:

  • SDS and SFC analyst team established
  • three meetings of SDS/SFC analysts to date, weekly project meetings now scheduled
  • high level process map drafted

Planned activity over the next period:

  • finalise process map to allow for movement on Actions 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5 to get underway
  • initial review of data sets across WBL, FE, HE, upskilling and reskilling and identify key variables required for provision and outcome data

Action 2.6: mapping Wider Investment by Colleges and Universities to Support the Transition to NetZero.

Progress since last meeting of SOAG:

  • scoping out approach of wider investment mapping by colleges and universities to support the transition to net zero through engagement with e.g. Energy Skills Scotland

Action 2.7 Mapping Scottish Government Investment in Green Skills.

Progress since last meeting of SOAG:

  • confirmation from SG that they will support and help co-ordinate

Planned activity over the next period:

  • further engagement with SG to scope out the approach

Work package 2

Progress since last meeting of SOAG:

  • first full draft of Work Package 2 workplan completed and circulated to SFC and SG

Planned activity over the next period:

  • discussion with SFC and SG partners to sense check content, agree contributions and review timelines

PMO Support

Progress since last meeting of SOAG:

  • developed an In house project management approach to track and monitor progress

ESIF Update

Progress since last meeting of SOAG:

  • the econometric analysis covering employment and wage premia for different education and training interventions is now complete
  • our contractor, London Economics, have received comments on the draft technical report they have prepared and are working through these

Planned activity over the next period:

  • we are working with SDS, SFC and SG partners to agree a consistent package for the high level messaging of these results
  • the final component of the work, the cost benefit analysis, is expected to complete in April

Pathfinders update (progress since last meeting of SOAG)

Finalisation of work packages and agreed outputs agreed by SFC Board

Work package 1 - data and analysis: an understanding of current skills provision, unmet demand, available data and other evidence:

  • an analysis of provision across colleges, universities and private training providers within the region and how it relates to the needs of learners and employers, and wider economic and social drivers. This will include an exploration of provision that is work-based or that includes projects or practical interactions with employers as part of the course design
  • an analysis of recruitment difficulties and any apparent unmet demand across the regional areas, including the degree of consensus among employers about skills needs
  • a report on the availability and use of data and analysis and recommendations about how this can be managed to best effect across institutions, partners and with national agencies
  • an assessment of pathways between school, colleges and universities, and to apprenticeship provision by private providers funded by SDS, including anticipated changes to student demand and subject choices and availability
  • demographic analysis for each region

Work package 2 - regional priorities: developing approaches to provision planning at a regional level, identifying early areas for action, advancing collaboration, deepening strategic connections with employers, piloting new ways of working:

  • delivery of a small number of collaborative pilot projects addressing regional skills priorities, developed and led by Regional Pathfinder Project Boards
  • feedback from institutions and partners about the way SFC and partner national organisations can best support strategic planning and skills alignment (ie SDS, SQA) through funding, guidance, qualification development etc
  • recommendations on the production of structured good practice that can be shared more widely across the tertiary education and skills system of providers

Work package 3 - process analysis: an understanding of provision planning and curriculum design, the links to employers and other key partners and the impact on learner journey: 

  • an explanation of the way provision planning, and skills alignment is conducted within and across institutions and partners with options and recommendations for improvement that will enhance joint work and planning
  • case studies through qualitative work with institutions to understand and explain how they make provision planning decisions and the relationship with employers. This will include evidence of how course provision and curriculum content has shifted over time and the level of work-based learning and employer interaction is embedded in provision
  • analysis of how SFC influences provision planning 
  • analysis of how other partners direct and influence provision planning, including SDS, LAs, SG 
  • case studies through qualitative work with institutions to explore the impact of provision planning and curriculum design on learner journeys

Work package 4 - learning and dissemination:

  • a report on lessons learned from each work package and recommendations for taking forward good practice. This will draw on the recommendations on the use of data and analysis from Work Package 1, lessons learned from the delivery of pilot projects in Work Package 2, and recommendations for improved planning and skills alignment processes in Work Package 3
  • considered insight pieces from leading academics and practitioners

Consultancy support

Development of a brief for an external commission to undertake work package 1.

Project resourcing

SFC has strengthened its existing team – reallocating staff members to focus on this project exclusively, with a new senior lead (Claire McPherson).

Recruitment of three additional team members is underway to strengthen this further over the coming weeks.

Planned activity over the next period

  • project resourcing: conclusion of recruitment exercise – appointment of Project Manager, Stakeholder engagement lead and Project Governance officer
  • consultancy support: invitation to Tender issued for work package 1
  • governance: first Meeting of Regional Delivery Boards and National Advisory Board



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