
Shared Outcomes Assurance Group paper: outcomes framework dashboard - August 2022

Paper from the meeting of the group on 23 August 2022.

Project Status Reports (PSRs) – RAG ratings

Foundation Apprenticeships
RAG rating – potential risk

Graduate Apprenticeships
RAG rating – potential risk

Education and Skills Impact Framework 
RAG rating – on track

Regional Pathfinder – North East of Scotland
RAG rating – on track

Regional Pathfinder – South of Scotland
RAG rating – on track

CESAP Pathfinder – Net Zero
RAG rating – on track

CESAP – Commercial and Domestic Heat in Buildings
RAG rating – on track

Lifelong Reskilling and Upskilling
RAG rating – undefined 

FA joint delivery approach - date of report: 03/02/2022

Overall RAG: potential risk


  • policy and governance: potential risk
  • evidence and allocations: potential risk
  • programme management: on track
  • quality assurance and continuous improvement: on track
  • development: potential risk
  • stakeholder management: on track
  • marketing and communications: on track

Milestone BRAG 


  • FA1.2 review SDS/SFC Governance arrangements for joint working on FA/GA plans for transition year: completed 
  • FA2.2a agree longer term governance arrangements beyond transition year for joint working on FA/GA plans for AY 22/23: completed 
  • FA2.2b agree long term policy and strategy ambitions with SG for FA and GA joint working arrangements from AY23/24 onwards: on track
  • FA3.2a agree SDS/SFC reporting arrangements for longer term: issues 
  • FA3.2b agree SDS/SFC reporting arrangements from AY23/24 onwards: on track 
  • FA4.2a identify and agree system requirements: issues 
  • FA4.2b identify and agree system requirements from AY23/24 onwards: on track
  • FA5.2 implement any system changes to reflect governance and reporting requirements for longer term: potential risk
  • FA6.2 SAAB endorsement of evidence base to inform AY22/23 allocations and integration into ongoing workplan: completed 
  • FA7.2 SDS/SFC policy considerations summarised to inform SG sponsor teams: completed
  • FA8.2a SG to confirm policy and strategy ambition having considered SAAB, SFC and SDS inputs for AY 22/23: completed 
  • FA8.2b SG to confirm policy and strategy ambition having considered SAAB, SFC and SDS inputs for AY 23/24 onwards : on track 
  • FA9.2 confirm budget with SG/SFC/SDS for AY22/23: completed 

Communications and stakeholder:

  • FA10.2 agree comms plan AY22/23: completed 
  • FA11.2 agree stakeholder engagement plan AY22/23: completed 

Governance joint terms and conditions/guidance:

  • FA12.2 terms and conditions/guidance for SDS funding awards and SFC funding allocations prepared ensuring alignment for the medium to long term with agreed reallocation schedule: potential risk 

Allocations and awards:

  • FA13.2a establish national approach to allocations including required governance aligning all provision, including regional demand: potential risk
  • FA13.2b establish national approach to allocations aligned to employer demand including required governance for AY23/24 onwards: on track 
  • FA14.2 agree allocations for 22/23 aligned to demand: on track 

Interoperations arrangements:

  • FA15.2 review and respond to SDS/SFC interoperations: on track


  • deliver 5,000 Foundation Apprenticeships as per Scottish Government ambition
  • establish an efficient and effective cross-agency partnership to enable the longer term operation of the joint delivery model

Summary of progress:

  • new governance arrangements agreed with SG attending JEG meetings from 31/3/22 onwards.SDS Awards to LA/ILPs for 2,500 opportunities issued 14.3.22 - acceptances received
  • final SFC allocations issued to colleges for 2,500 FA opportunities - 26 May
  • milestone plan review with proposed updates to be taken through JEG governance on 8 June
  • interoperations plan review and update to JEG 8 June - majority of workstreams and joint interoperations activities agreed. Number of outstanding activities that require further discussion for clarity and agreement
  • updated joint key messages developed for JEG agreement on 8 June for AY22/23 delivery and interoperations arrangements. Joint comms issued to colleges in June
  • SOAG deep dive discussion on FA and GA held 13 June
  • joint work to agree process and approach for production of FA annual statistical reporting for AY21/22
  • joint work progressed on systems mapping to inform options appraisal for JEG decisions on 8 June - to address off track milestones FA3.2a, 4.2a, 5.2. Decisions not yet taken and on JEG agenda for 3 August
  • tracking of FA applications/recruitment status to inform any reallocations required. FA summer recruitment campaign live
  • work commenced on FA demand assessment process for AY23/34
  • work commenced on FA policy considerations for AY23/24

Key activities in the last reporting period:

  • WS1: agreed to work towards a September 22 planned publication date for FA Annual Progress Report
  • WS1: workstream plans updated in line with approved Interoperations plan
  • WS2: re-allocations dates agreed and to be processed with final allocations due by September 2022
  • WS3: option for AY 22/23 system agreed and actions progressed
  • WS3: learning providers trackers analysed and applications to date available to inform reallocations
  • WS3: recruitment to date
  • WS4: community of Practice event held and evaluation conducted
  • WS4: SDS delivered a show and tell of the SDS approach to quality managment including the software used (MESMA)
  • WS5: role of SFC in Standards and Frameworks to be clarified 
  • WS6: pilot region identified for joint stakeholder apporach and first meeting held
  • WS7: joint communication issued to providers in June - reaffirming key messages and ongoing requirement to provide key information to both agencies

Key activities in the next reporting period:

  • WS1: FA Annual Progress Report - data reconciliation between FIPS and FES and develop Marcomms Plan and Project Plan timelines including approvals
  • WS1: delegation matrix draft available at next JEG
  • WS2: agreeement on any refinements to demand statement incoroporating SFC considerations
  • WS3: SFC guidance updated to include decision on systems and published
  • WS3: programme management process mapping underway
  • WS4: planning and consultation exercise underway to inform CoP event planning to end March 2023 - providers have been asked for input via a Qualtrics survey
  • WS4: survey to capture learner experience feedback from FA cohort 4 (2019–21) completers and cohort 5 (2020-22) shorter duration delivery model completers and early leavers closed 22/07 - outputs expected end September/early October 22
  • WS4: discuss FIPS automated survey (FA learners) reporting format with E and R
  • WS6: development of Regional Stakeholder approach via pilot area

Reason for non-green RAG (if applicable):

  • FA3.2a/FA4.2a/FA5.2: Work on systems mapping and reporting requirements for AY22/23 with options appraisal on JEG agenda on 3 August for a decision
  • FA12.2: SFC to confirm changes to SFC FA guidance 2022/23 - dependency on FA3.2a/4.2a
  • FA13.2a: SDS principles agreed and applied. SFC to confirm final allocations breakdown by provider/region/framework
  • FA14.2 numbers available, but awaiting Lanarkshire figures
  • FA15.2 proposal to move date to Oct0ber, JEG will decide 03/08

Return to green plan (if applicable):

  • FA3.2a/FA4.2a/FA5.2: JEG discussion on the way forward on these for AY22/23 on 3 August, a subsequent meeting with SFC will be arranged for w/c 8 August to mobilise resource 
  • FA12.2: SFC FA guidance to be updated as appropriate.Propose to use previous guidance and only apply approval process to changes/updates linked to systems agreement. Completion date delayed until system decision(GA3.2a /4.2a)
  • FA13.2a: SFC to confirm final allocation breakdown aligned to employer demand and agreed principles discussed with SAAB EEG - update to future SAAB EEG - date tbc
  • FA14.2: SFC to provide figures for Lanarkshire

GA joint delivery approach - date of report: 03/08/2022

Overall RAG: potential risk


  • policy and governance: potential risk 
  • evidence and allocations: potential risk
  • programme management: on track
  • quality assurance and continuous improvement: on track 
  • development: potential risk
  • stakeholder management: on track
  • marketing and communications: on track

Milestone BRAG 


  • GA1.2 review SDS/SFC Governance arrangements for transition year: completed
  • GA2.2a agree longer term governance arrangements beyond transition year: completed 
  • GA2.2b agree policy and strategy ambitions beyond transition year for joint working on GA plans for AY 23/24 onwards: on track 
  • GA3.2a agree SDS/SFC reporting arrangements for longer term: issues
  • GA3.2b agree SDS/SFC reporting arrangements for AY23/24: on track 
  • GA4.2a identify and agree system requirements: issues 
  • GA4.2b identify and agree system requirements for AY23/24 onwards: on track 
  • GA5.2 implement any system changes to reflect governance and reporting requirements for longer term: issues
  • GA6.2 SAAB endorsement of evidence base to inform AY22/23 allocations and integration into ongoing workplan: completed 
  • GA7.2 – SDS/SFC policy considerations summarised to inform SG sponsor teams: completed 
  • GA8.2a agree future policy and strategy ambition with SG and SAAB and funding strategy for AY22/23: completed 
  • GA8.2b agree future policy and strategy ambition with SG and SAAB and funding strategy for AY23/24 onwards: on track 
  • GA9.2 confirm budget with SG/SFC for AY22/23: completed

Communications and stakeholder:

  • GA10.2 agree comms plan AY22/23: completed 
  • GA11.2 agree stakeholder engagement plan AY22/23: completed 

Governance joint terms and conditions/guidance:

  • GA12.2 terms and conditions/guidance for SDS funding awards and SFC funding allocations finalised ensuring alignment for the medium to long term with agreed revision schedule: potential risk

Allocations and awards:

  • GA13.2a establish national approach to allocations aligned to employer demand: potential risk
  • GA13.2b establish national approach to allocations aligned to employer demand including required governance for AY23/24 onwards: on track 
  • GA14.2 agree allocations for 22/23 aligned to demand: on track

Interoperations arrangements:

  • GA15.2 review and respond to SDS/SFC interoperations: on track


  • deliver 1,378 Graduate Apprenticeships as per Scottish Government ambitions
  • establish an efficient and effective cross-agency partnership to enable the longer term operation of the joint delivery model

Summary of progress:

  • new governance arrangements agreed with SG attending JEG meetings from 31/3/22 onwards
  • final SFC allocations issued to universities for 1,378 GA opportunities - 26 May
  • milestone plan review with proposed updates approved through JEG governance on 8 June
  • interoperations plan review and update to JEG 8 June - majority of workstreams and joint interoperations activities agreed. Number of outstanding activities that require further discussion for clarity and agreement
  • updated joint key messages developed and agreed at JEG on 8 June for AY22/23 delivery and interoperations arrangements. Joint comms issued to universities in June
  • SOAG deep dive discussion on FA and GA held 13 June
  • joint work to agree process and approach for production of GA annual statistical reporting for AY21/22
  • joint work on systems mapping/reporting requirements work for GA for AY22/23 is required with urgency to inform JEG decision to address off track milestones GA3.2a, 4.2a, 5.2
  • tracking of GA applications/recruitment status to inform any reallocations required
  • work commenced on GA demand assessment process for AY23/34
  • work commenced on GA policy considerations for AY23/24

Key activities in the last reporting period:

  • WS1: agreed to work towards a September 22 planned publication date for GA Annual Progress Report using FIPS data
  • WS1: workstream plans updated in line with approved Interoperations plan
  • WS2: re-allocations dates agreed and to be processed with final allocations due by September 2022
  • WS3: collaboration on systems mapping and reporting requirements to develop options for GA to be progressed with urgency for next JEG in July
  • WS3: learning Providers trackers analysed and applications to be reviewed to support reallocations
  • WS4: community of Practice event held and evaluation conducted
  • WS4: SDS delivered a show and tell of the SDS approach to quality managment including the software used (MESMA)
  • WS5: role of SFC in Standards and Frameworks to be clarified
  • WS7: joint communication issued to providers in June - reaffirming key messages and ongoing requirement to provide key information to both agencies

Key activities in the next reporting period:

  • WS1: develop Marcomms Plan and Project Plan timelines including approvals to support GA Annual Progress Report publication
  • WS1: delegation Matrix draft updated and presented at next JEG E and R
  • WS2: incorporation of SFC considerations into demand statement process
  • WS3: programme management process mapping underway
  • WS3: SFC Guidance updated to include decision on systems and published
  • WS4: planning and consultation exercise underway to inform CoP event planning to end March 2023 - providers have been asked for input via a Qualtrics survey
  • WS4: discuss FIPS automated survey (GA learners) reporting format with

Reason for non-green RAG (if applicable):

  • GA3.2a/GA4.2a/GA5.2: work on systems mapping and reporting requirements for AY22/23 still to be progressed
  • GA12.2 propose to use previous guidance and only apply approval process to changes/updates linked to systems agreement. Date has been put back until system decision is finalised (GA3.2a/4.2a)
  • GA13.2a: SFC to confirm final allocations breakdown aligned to employer demand and the principles for allocations agreed
  • GA15.2 proposal to move date to October, JEG will decide 03/08

Return to green plan (if applicable):

  • GA3.2a/GA4.2a/GA5.2: progress systems mapping/reporting requirements work for GA for AY22/23 with urgency to consider options to inform JEG decision
  • GA8.2: SDS/SFC to work with SG for confirmation of direction
  • GA12.2: SFC GA guidance to be updated as appropriate.Propose to use previous guidance and only apply approval process to changes/updates linked to systems agreement. Completion date delayed until system decision(GA3.2a /4.2a)
  • GA13.2a: SFC to confirm final allocation breakdown aligned to employer demand and agreed principles discussed with SAAB EEG - update to future SAAB EEG

ESIF joint delivery approach - date of report: 08/08/2022

Overall RAG: on track


  • economic impact: on track 
  • social impact: on track
  • communications and dissemination: potential risk

Milestone BRAG 

Economic impact:

  • EI 1.1 developing and agreeing econometric model for measuring labour market returns (January-June 2021): completed 
  • EI 1.2 engaging with expert panel on economic impacts (April 2021): completed
  • EI 1.3 linking data on learners: MA leavers, college and university graduates, to LEO data on earnings and employment (Juyl-October 2021): completed
  • EI 1.4 estimating labour market returns for learners by level, age and gender (October-December 2021): completed
  • EI 1.5 agreeing key messages and outputs (January-March 2022): completed
  • EI 2.1 estimating exchequer costs of investment in MAs, college and university provision on a consistent basis (March 2021-February 2022): completed
  • EI 2.2 estimating employer costs of recruiting and training MAs (March 2021-March 2022): completed
  • EI 2.3 estimating individual costs of investment in education and training (January-March 2022): completed
  • EI 3.1 calculating the benefit-cost ratio and return on investment (February-March 2022): completed

Social impact:

  • SI 4.1 reviewing existing literature on social returns to education (January-March 2021): completed
  • SI 4.2 rngaging with expert panel on social and well-being impacts (December 2021): completed
  • SI 4.3 developing collaborative research plan for measuring social and wellbeing impact (December 2021-January 2022): completed
  • SI 5.1 assessing existing data on levels of personal well-being and qualifications (January–August 2021): completed
  • SI 5.2 identifying gaps in existing data and recommendations to fill these (November-December 2021): completed
  • SI 6.1 undertaking primary research with individuals and stakeholders (tbc): potential risk
  • SI 6.2 assessing secondary data sources on societal benefits (January–April 2022): completed

Communication and dissemination:

  • CD 7.1 developing a communications plan and establish communications group (January 2021-March 2022): completed
  • CD 7.2 developing summary outputs presenting core findings from economic and social impact workstreams (February–April 2022): on track
  • CD 7.3 facilitating workshops with key stakeholders to share findings and understand implications (tbc): N/A
  • CD 8.1 reviewing and analysing ESIF to inform purpose and objectives of future requirements (April 2022 onwards): N/A
  • CD 8.2 reviewing gaps in ESIF framework and consider how to address these: N/A
  • CD 8.3 improving and enhancing existing economic impact model (April 2022 onwards): N/A
  • CD 8.4 provide long term measures and indicators to track change (April 2022 onwards): N/A
  • D 8.5 building partner capacity and knowledge to allow internal delivery of future models (April 2022 onwards): N/A


  • the economic impact workstream:split into the impact on individuals, the Scottish exchequer and (for MAs currently) employers, and will include a Return on Investment (RoI) estimate for each group
  • the social value/wellbeing impact workstream- to capture the individual wellbeing and wider social benefits from learning pathways, to reflect that economic benefits are not the only objective of education

Summary of progress:

  • SDS and SFC have prepared a suite of three contextual reports covering MAs, FE and HE. These are currently being reviewed by the ESIF Collaborative Group and due to be finalised by the end of August ahead of publication in September
  • the Collaborative Group on 30 June agreed to include both SCQF level 4 vocational and HNC/D/Other undergraduate qualifications in the economic impact reports, with appropriate context
  • partners are reviewing the draft final economic impact report from London Economics. We aim to publish this concurrently with the contextual reports in September
  • the contextual reports will include a section on the importance of social and wellbeing impacts. There will be no standalone social and wellbeing report. Work is complete on the additional APS analysis as part of the social/wellbeing impact workstream, and findings will be stored on Objective Connect for future reference
  • ESIF partners are preparing for a workshop with SOAG colleagues on 11th August
  • SDS and SFC have discussed options for the next stage of ESIF (CD 8.1 thru 8.5) and will revisit these with the SOAG following the publication of the contextual reports

Key activities in the last reporting period:

  • SI 6.2 ONS APS access secured through safe room to allow analysis to be undertaken
  • CD 7.1 initial key messages developed as part of contextual reports
  • CD 7.2 SDS/SFC working collaboratively to develop summary outputs of core findings. We have agreed a report structure and joint approach to drafting reports
  • CD 8.5 members of SDS ESIF project team attended SG LEO Governance group on 14 June to discuss reporting and access to LEO data. Feedback on key questions was provided in July Project group members will attend future LEO Governance Group meetings

Key activities in the next reporting period:

  • CD 7.1 continue to develop communications plan and key messages
  • CD 7.2 finalise contextual reports for approval by collaborative group. Share contextual reports with SOAG. Working with comms colleagues, publish contextual reports and full technical report
  • CD 7.3 consider stakeholder engagement around final outputs as per communication plan

Reason for non-green RAG (if applicable):

  • SI 6.1 delayed due to COVID

Return to green plan (if applicable):

  • SI 6.1 was delayed due to covid but primary research planning under way. Start will be subject to approval of CG

NE Pathfinder - date of report: 08/08/2022

Overall RAG: on track


  • data and analysis: on track
  • regional priorities: on track
  • process analysis: on track
  • learning and dissemination: N/A

Milestone BRAG 

Data and analysis:

  • 1A - understanding demand: on track
  • 1B - understanding provision: on track
  • 1C- understanding learner pathways: on track
  • 1D - use of data/data gaps: on track

Regional priorities:

  • 2.A - tests of change: on track
  • 2B – evidence: on track
  • 2C – recommendations: on track

Process analysis:

  • 3A - employer engagement: on track
  • 3B - learner journey: on track

Learning and dissemination:

  • 4A - lessons learned: N/A
  • 4B - good practice guidance: N/A


  • through evidence, analysis and collaborative action the pathfinders will explore what further needs to be done to make the education and skills system responsive, integrated and supportive of economic recovery and inclusive growth in each region

Summary of progress:

  • significant progress with regional partners in shaping the work around regional tests of change. Lead insitutions have been agreed to help drive ongoing progress in the partnership approach to each of the four priority areas. Positive engagement between RDB partners and the consultancy team taking forward data and analytical work in WP1. Partners have agreed a learner engagement strategy to support the pathfinder work. Ongoing development of communication and engagement assets for use across pathfinder regions

Key activities in the last reporting period:

  • 1.A SFC/SDS weekly meetings, shared focus for the Regional Pathfinder project, and this work is on track to conclude in September
  • 1.B methodological approach agreed with consultant, interviews, data gathering and case studies underway
  • 1.C SFC has identified the data requirements to map pathways through education and skills provision in the region and is working with SDS colleague to gather and analyse the data. Engagement with SDS colleagues in the career information, advice and guidance (CIAG) team
  • 1.D further scoping on linkages between this worstrand and work package 3 to ensure alignment
  • 2.A: regional priority areas and institutional leads agreed. Detailed planning underway. One North East representation on delivery board. NHS Grampian support for Health and Social Care proposal secured. Learner Engagement strategy agreed

Key activities in the next reporting period:

  • consultants will convene employer focus groups. Implementation of learner engagement strategy will begin. Further meeting of Regional Delivery Board with meeting in September focusing on NESCOL/RGU Strategic Partnership proposals and Energy Transition. Joint meeting of NE and SoS Delivery Boards in September. Particular focus on field work to maximise technical input and expertise for WP3

SoS joint delivery approach - date of report: 08/08/2022

Overall RAG: on track


  • data and analysis: on track
  • regional priorities: on track
  • process analysis: on track
  • learning and dissemination: N/A

Milestone BRAG 

  • 1A - understanding demand: on track
  • 1B - understanding provision: on track
  • 1C - understanding learner pathways: on track
  • 1D - use of data/data gaps: on track

Regional priorities:

  • 2.A - tests of change: on track
  • 2B – evidence: on track
  • 2C – recommendations: on track

Process analysis:

  • 3A - employer engagement: on track
  • 3B - learner journey: on track

Learning and dissemination:

  • 4A - lessons learned: N/A
  • 4B - good practice guidance: N/A


  • through evidence, analysis and collaborative action the pathfinders will explore what further needs to be done to make the education and skills system responsive, integrated and supportive of economic recovery and inclusive growth in each region

Summary of progress

  • regional partners continue to progress activity to support the three regional priority areas. Positive engagement between RDB partners and the consultancy team taking forward data and analytical work in WP1. Partners have agreed a learner engagement strategy to support the pathfinder work

Key activities in the last reporting period:

  • 1.A: SFC/SDS weekly meetings, shared focus for the Regional Pathfinder project, and this work is on track to conclude in September
  • 1.B: methodological approach agreed with consultant, interviews, data gathering and case studies underway
  • 1.C: SFC has identified the data requirements to map pathways through education and skills provision in the region and is working with SDS colleague to gather and analyse the data. Engagement with SDS colleagues in the career information, advice and guidance (CIAG) team
  • 1.D: further scoping on linkages between this workstrand and work package 3 to ensure alignment
  • 2.A: ongoing development of three propositions for change. Learner engagement strategy agreed

Key activities in the next reporting period:

  • consultants will convene employer focus groups. Implementation of learner engagement strategy will begin. Further meeting of Regional Delivery Board with progress updates across all three regional priorities. Joint meeting of NE and SoS Delivery Boards in September. Particular focus on field work to maximise technical input and expertise for WP3. Ongoing development of communication and engagement assets for use across pathfinder regions

CESAP Pathfinder workpackage 1 - date of report: 08/08/2022

Overall RAG: on track


  • defining and development: on track
  • understanding current activities: on track
  • understanding current investment: potential risk

Milestone BRAG 

Defining and development:

  • A1.1 develop definition of green jobs: potential risk
  • A1.4 develop demand statement(s): on track
  • A2.1 developing taxonomy of green provision: potential risk
  • A2.2 development of process map of green provision: completed 

Understanding current activities:

  • A1.3 review datasets and research: on track
  • A2.3 mapping of Scottish Apprenticeships: on track
  • A2.4 mapping of upskilling/reskilling activity: on track
  • A2.5 mapping of FE/HE provision (SFC only): on track

Understanding current investment:

  • A1.2 green investment mapping: on track
  • A2.6 mapping wider college/university investment: potential risk
  • A2.7 mapping SG investment: potential risk
  • A2.8 mapping employer investment in green skills: completed 
  • A3.1 gap analysis: potential risk
  • A3.2 development of research programme: potential risk


  • to ensure a comprehensive and systematic approach to understanding both the demand for skills across the key sectors of importance and the current investment in skills provision across FE/HE and work-based learning to meet the identified need

Summary of progress:

  • the green investment mapping is currently in final draft and good progress has been made against this action over the last month. The draft copy is now being reviewed internally
  • the green jobs research is also at final draft stage. The findings were presented to the Short-life Working Group on 21 July 2022 and a progress update was provided to the ISG on 28 July 2022. SDS and SG met on 14 July to discuss the findings, and communication and dissemination of these findings. SDS and SG also met with the ONS to learn more about their approach to measuring and reporting green jobs
  • SDS and SFC have finalised an approach to mapping HE, FE and WBL provision which is aligned to the green jobs definition where relevant. Mapping of provision is progressing well
  • SDS and SFC held a joint session on 5 August with SG colleagues to enhance understanding of the CESAP Pathfinder (including WP1), in terms of rationale, approach and anticipated learning
  • for action 2.6 (mapping wider college and university investment), survey work s on hold until further guidance from SFC
  • a number of actions have extended due dates and as such have been bragged as amber, reasons are detailed below for each of these specific actions. As a result the overall project completion has been extended by four-to-six weeks

Key activities in the last reporting period:

  • a1.2 (Green Investment Mapping): the consultant undertaking the work completed 50 consultations with partners, stakeholders, and local authorities across Scotland and have now provided draft outputs which are being reviewed internally
  • action 1.3 (reviewing datasets and research): a draft output is completed for action 1.3, but this is an iterative action that will span the full timespan of the workpackage. Draft output will be updated to inform the final outputs
  • action 1.4 (development of demand statements): the demand statements have now been scoped and work has commenced
  • action 2.4 and 2.5 initial mapping of MA and HE provision undertaken
  • action 2.6 (mapping wider college and university investment): research brief was finalised and research has now been contracted out to an external consultant to undertake
  • action 2.8 (employer investment mapping): an interim output is completed that examines how employer investment in skills can be estimated

Key activities in the next reporting period:

  • action 1.1 (developing a definition of green jobs): a final draft should be provided by mid August for publication in September 
  • action 2.3 (mapping of scottish apprenticeships): due to provide output by the end of August
  • action 2.4 (mapping of upskilling/reskilling activity): due to provide output by the end of September
  • action 2.5 (mapping of FE/HE provision): due to provide output by the end of September
  • action 2.7 (mapping of SG investment in green skills): due to provide final output by the end of August

Reason for non-green RAG (if applicable):

  • action 1.1 (develop definition of green jobs): there have been delays in this work due to the need to finalise draft report through engagement with key partners. We have extended the timeframe to 30/09/22 to accommodate the delays
  • action 2.1 (development of a taxonomy of skills provision): this has been delayed due to the need to finlaise green jobs work to feed into this action. We have extended the due date to 30/09/22 to allow for information to be obtained from the green jobs work
  • action 2.6 (mapping wider college and university investment): due to the data and information needed from FE/HE, we have extended the due date to 14/10/22 to accommodate summer holidays. Survey work is on hold due to awaiting guidance from SFC
  • action 2.7 (mapping of SG investment in green skills): delayed with SG due to current RSR work. Date is extended to 31/08/22
  • action 3.1 (gap analysis): This work is still amber as due to dependencies on other actions, we are extending the due to November
  • action 3.2 (development of research programme): this work will commence in September but start date and due date have been extended to 01/09/22, with completion being 30/11/22, this is due to dependencies on other actions

Return to green plan (if applicable):

  • action 1.1 (develop definition of green jobs): if the work continues to progress on time over the next few weeks, we can return to green in the next PSR
  • action 2.1 (development of a taxonomy of skills provision): we can return to green in the next PSR if the green jobs work progresses as planned
  • action 2.6 (mapping wider college and university investment): provided work stays on track over the next six weeks, we can green on the next PSR
  • action 2.7 (mapping of investment in green skills): following discussions in SG this should be completed by end of August. We can turn this to blue in the next PSR if it is completed in line with new timescale of 31/08
  • action 3.1 (gap analysis of the evidence base): we can green this on the next PSR providing the work is progressing well with the due date of 30/11/22
  • action 3.2 (development of research programme): we can return this action to green in the next PSR if it commences on time and progresses well

CESAP Pathfinder workpackage 2 - date of report: 08/08/2022

Overall RAG: on track


  • evidence: on track 
  • change implementation: N/A
  • evaluation and review: N/A

Milestone BRAG 


  • A1.1 mapping of planned investment to support the decarbonisation of domestic and commercial heating (clean heat and improved energy efficiency) in Glasgow City Region and Shetland: on track
  • A2.1 engage with relevant partners: on track
  • A3.1 high level analysis of job demand for decarbonisation of domestic and commercial heating: on track
  • A3.2 detailed analysis of Glasgow City Region and Shetland specific data and insight: on track
  • A3.3 review of the evidence base on investment and skills demand: on track
  • A4.1 mapping of existing and planned investment and skills provision across FE/HE/WBL pathways/upskilling and reskilling in support of the decarbonisation of domestic and commercial heating: N/A

Gateway review:

  • a review of the evidence before proceeding to action 5 and beyond: N/A
  • A5.1 gap analysis of current/planned provision: N/A
  • A5.2 workshops to test findings: N/A

Change implementation: 

  • A6.1 work with skills providers across academic and work-based learning pathways to co-design an approach to implement change: N/A
  • A6.2 strengthen existing mechanisms to facilitate change (where appropriate): N/A

Evaluation and review:

  • A7.1 development of an approach to monitoring: N/A
  • A7.2 review of the effectiveness of the process of assessing job demand and current provision: N/A
  • A7.3 review the effectiveness of the gap analysis process and approach to implement change: N/A
  • A7.4 evaluate the action taken around changes in provision: N/A
  • A7.5 evaluate the impact of changes in provision: N/A
  • A7.6 lessons learned - how can the process of assessing and responding to future skills needs in the sector be improved?: N/A


  • form a detailed understanding of the scale and location of the investment driving growth in heat decarbonisation, the potential volumes and timelines associated with any job opportunities, the consequent demand for skills and the dynamic response required from the skills system to maximise these opportunities

Summary of progress:

  • workpackage 2 is in its initial stages, but there has been significant progress in line with the workplan agreed with SFC and SG. The detailed actions and timelines have been confirmed and included against the BRAG status
  • an external consultant has been identified to undertake the heat decarbonisation investment mapping (action 1.1) which forms part of the evidence base
  • SDS has engaged with regional partners in the Glasgow City Region and in the Highlands and Islands (action 2.1). Glasgow and Shetland have been identified as appropriate city region and rural pilot areas
  • initial work has also started to support the actions on gathering evidence on job demand (actions 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3) to establish the in-scope occupations/industries for heat decarbonisation to agree with key partners
  • WP2 Programme Delivery Board met for second time on 4 August. SFC not in attendance. Outstanding SFC actions in relation to confirmation of personnel and further development of provision mapping (action 4) discussions to be progressed as a priority
  • SDS and SFC held a joint session on 5 August with SG colleagues to enhance understanding of the CESAP Pathfinder (including WP2), in terms of rationale, approach and anticipated learning

Key activities in the last reporting period:

  • detailed actions and timelines have been added to the risk matrix
  • action 1.1 (mapping of investment to support heat decarbonisation): this is progressing well and a research brief was issued to consultants for response W/C 25 July. Response received for review 2 August. This builds on WP1 work to map out green investments across Scotland which has already idenitifed some heat decarbonisation investments that fall within scope (i.e. investments over £0.5 million)
  • action 2.1 (engagement with partners): This is progressing well with SDS in discussion with regional partners across the Glasgow City Region and in Highlands and Islands and SG colleagues. Glasgow and Shetland have been identified as the appropriate city region and rural pilot areas.
  • actions 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 (evidence work around job demand): work is underway to identify the occupations/industries relevant to the decarbonisation of heat. These will be verified by the Heat Decarbonisation Sub Group of the CESAP ISG on 17 August. Action 3.2, the detailed analysis of the Glasgow City Region and Shetland will be informed by Action 3.1, and draw on regional data and insight where available. Early work has begun to gather relevant reports to feed into Action 3.3, the review of the evidence base

Key activities in the next reporting period:

  • action 1.1 (mapping of investment to support heat decarbonisation): Award of contract and start of work for heat decarbonisation investment mapping. The contractor will be conducting desk research and interviews with key stakeholders across the Glasgow City Region and Shetland to identify investments to support heat decarbonisation in these regions
  • actions 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 (evidence work around job demand): These actions will pick up pace from mid August on agreement of occupations and industries in scope. The focus will include the collation of regional data and insight across the GCR and Shetland, and an initial review of the material that will feed into the review of the evidence base
  • action 4 this work will commence September 2022 (led by SFC and supported by SDS)

Reason for non-green RAG (if applicable):
Return to green plan (if applicable):

SOF projects – vision

Foundation Apprenticeships
Vision: To have FA’s and GA’s embedded within the education and skills system as a valued pathway to achieving positive outcomes.

Graduate Apprenticeships
Vision: To have FA’s and GA’s embedded within the education and skills system as a valued pathway to achieving positive outcomes.

Education and Skills Impact Framework 
Vision: To develop a robust evidence base that can help inform investment in post-school education and skills to enable a skills system that maximises both the return to public investment and the benefits to individual learners and employers.

Regional Pathfinder – North East of Scotland
Vision: The pathfinders will focus on the strategic planning process that enables institutions to assess how the regional and national skills and education system is functioning; how they set and review their own objectives and mission; how they assess their current provision and offer in terms of courses and volumes; how they consider their place within that system; and how they identify priorities for new or different provision or to adapt existing provision. 

Regional Pathfinder – South of Scotland
Vision: The pathfinders will focus on the strategic planning process that enables institutions to assess how the regional and national skills and education system is functioning; how they set and review their own objectives and mission; how they assess their current provision and offer in terms of courses and volumes; how they consider their place within that system; and how they identify priorities for new or different provision or to adapt existing provision. 

CESAP Pathfinder – Net Zero
Vision: SDS and SFC will work jointly to meet the challenge of the transition to net zero through an evidence led, demand driven, dynamic skills response that creates agile, adaptive and resilient workers, with the skills to secure and progress in the current and future labour market.

CESAP – Commercial and Domestic Heat in Buildings
Vision: Form a detailed understanding of the scale and location of the investment driving growth in heat decarbonisation, the potential volumes and timelines associated with any job opportunities, the consequent demand for skills and the dynamic response required from the skills system to maximise these opportunities’.

Lifelong Reskilling and Upskilling
Vision: SDS and SFC will work jointly to support the Scottish Government to develop and implement a new lifetime skills offer, feeding in insights and expertise to ensure that this offer is successful in reaching the intended audience in an impactful way. 

SOAG paper - outcomes framework dashboard: August 2022
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