
Sheep attacks and harassment: research

Findings from survey research on sheep worrying and wildlife attacks on sheep.

Appendix A: Questionnaire and Focus Group Schedule

Survey Questionnaire


All information that you give us will be treated in the strictest confidence and your identity will not be passed on to any third parties or connected to your answers in any way without your consent.

Taking part is completely voluntary - you are free to stop the survey at any time and to skip any questions you do not wish to answer. Your answers will be kept for up to one year, will be only accessible to the research team, and will be securely deleted once the research is finished.

Ask All

Single Code

Q1 Have any of your sheep ever been attacked or chased by dogs?

Yes 1
No 2
Don't know 3

Ask if Q1=Yes (code 1)

Single Code

Q2 When was the last time this happened?

It has happened since 1 May last year (2018) 1
Longer ago than 1 May 2018 but less than 5 years ago 2
More than 5 years ago 3
Don't know 4

Ask if Q2= Since 1 May last year (code 1)

Single Code


Q3 On how many separate occasions have your sheep been chased or attacked by dogs since 1 May last year (2018)? If several sheep were affected on the same occasion, please treat this as one occasion. A later question will ask about the number of sheep affected.

If you're not sure, please give your best estimate.

Enter value:_____________

[Validation: if Q3 > 30] Just to double check, you said this happened on <number> separate occasions since 1st May 2018. Is that correct?

Yes 1
No - please say how many 2
Don't know 3

Ask if Q2=since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

Multicode OK [if more than one at Q3, if one at Q3 then Single Code]


Q4 [if one at Q3] In which month did this incident occur? If you can't remember exactly, please give your best guess.

[if more than one at Q3] Please insert number of incidents in each month. If you can't remember exactly, please give your best guess.

May 2018
June 2018
July 2018
August 2018
September 2018
October 2018
November 2018
December 2018
January 2019
February 2019
March 2019
April 2019
May 2019
June 2019 [if survey date 1 June 2019 or later]

[Validation: if total number of incidents not equal to response at Q3] You said you had had <number> incidents since 1 May 2018. Do you want to amend the number of incidents each month above, or amend the total number since 1 May 2018?

Ask if Q2= since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

[If Q3 > 1: We'd like to ask you about the most recent incident. (Asking everyone about their most recent incident will give us the most accurate overall picture. But if you have other incidents you wish to tell us about, or any other comments, there will be an opportunity later on in the survey.) Please just tell us about the most recent incident in [Insert most recent month with an incident].

Single Code

Q5 Were your sheep…?

Chased but no physical contact 1
Attacked 2

Ask if Q2= since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

Single Code

Q6 Do you have sheep on more than one holding?

Yes 1
No 2

Ask if Q6= yes (code 1)

Q7 On which holding did this incident happen?

Please input the Parish and holding number (this should be a seven digit number - include leading 0s e.g.012/0004 if your parish number is 12 and your holding number is 4)

__ __ __ / __ __ __ __

Ask if Q2= since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

Single Code

Q8 Did you personally witness the incident?

Yes - all of it 1
Yes - part of it 2
No - just the aftermath 3

Ask if Q8= Code 2 or Code 3

Single Code

Q9 Did anybody else witness the attack?

Yes - someone else saw all of it 1
Yes - someone else saw part of it 2
Don't know/Not that I am aware of 3

Ask if Q2= since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

Single Code


Q10 How many dogs were involved?

Enter value 1
Don't know 2

[Validation: if Q10= >4 at code 1] You said <number> of dogs were involved in this particular incident. Is that correct?

Ask if Q2= since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

Single Code

Q11 As far as you are aware, [if Q10 = 1 at code 1 or don't know, was the dog]/[if Q10 >1 at code 1, were the dogs] accompanied by anyone at the time?

Yes 1
No 2
Don't know 3

Ask if Q2= since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

Single Code

Q12 Who did the dog [if Q10 >1 at code 1, dogs] belong to?

A neighbouring farm/croft 1
Another local resident 2
A visitor to the area 3
The [dog was] [if Q10 >1 at code 1, dogs were] the responsibility of a commercial dog walker 4
The [dog was]/[ if Q10 >1 at code 1, dogs were] stray 5
Other 6
I don't know 7

Ask if Q2= since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

Multicode OK

Ask as loop

Q13 How were your sheep affected?

None affected this way Insert number affected [Validation: if > 99] Just to double check, you said <number> sheep were affected in this way on this particular incident. Is that correct?
Sheep killed
Sheep had to be destroyed/ euthanised
Sheep injured
Sheep aborted
Mis-mothering occurred
Sheep stressed but physically uninjured

For each row above (apart from sheep aborted), where number affected is one ask:

What kind of sheep was this?

Ewe (pregnant or lactating/with lamb at foot)
Non-pregnant dry ewe or gimmer
Lamb (under 1 year old)
Ram / tup

For each row above (apart from sheep aborted), where number affected is two or more ask:

What kind of sheep were they? Please insert number of each.

[Validation: if > 99] Just to double check, you said <number> sheep were affected in this way on this particular incident. Is that correct?

Ewes (pregnant or lactating/with lambs at foot)
Non-pregnant dry ewes or gimmers
Lambs (under 1 year old)
Rams / tups

Please insert the total number of different sheep affected by this incident

Ask if Q2= since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

Single Code

Q14 How many sheep were in the group, including any not affected, at the time? If you are not sure, please give your best guess.

Enter value 1
Soft check on >200 2
Don't know/Can't remember 3

Ask if Q2= since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

Multicode OK

Q15 Thinking specifically about this incident, approximately how long did you spend dealing with it in hours and minutes? If you are not sure, please give your best estimate.

Activity Estimated time (hours) (minutes)
Investigating the attack
Talking to the dog owner
Reporting the incident to police/speaking to police
Making arrangements with the vet
Making arrangements for the disposal of the carcasses
Personally treating the injured sheep
Moving sheep to/from a different area
Replacing the lost sheep
Making an insurance claim
Other time spent related to the incident (please say what)
I did not spend any time on it

Ask if Q2= since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

Multicode OK (except last two codes)

Q16 Thinking specifically about this incident, approximately what was the financial cost, if any, of the incident to you? If you are not sure, please give your best estimate.

Type of cost Estimated cost (£)
Veterinary bill
Other treatment costs (e.g. medicines/dressings) not through vet
Disposing of/transporting carcasses
Lost value of sheep
Value of aborted lambs
Other costs (please say what)
There was no financial cost
I don't know/can't remember and I really can't give an estimate

Q17 If you received any money from an insurance claim or any other compensation in connection with the incident, please say how much.

Insert amount 1
I did not receive any money 2

Ask if Q2= since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

Single Code


Did you report this incident to the police?

Yes 1
No 2

Ask if Q2= since 1 May 2018 (code 1)

Single Code

Q19 Did you/do you intend to make an insurance claim?

Yes 1
No 2
Can't remember 3

Q20 How much did this incident personally upset you, if at all?

Single Code

It upset me a great deal 1
It upset me quite a lot 2
It upset me a little 3
It did not upset me at all 4

These next questions are about predation and attacks on your sheep by wildlife.

Ask all

Single Code

Q23 Have any of your sheep ever been attacked, chased or preyed on by any other animals or birds, other than dogs? Please just include attacks on live sheep, not scavenging of dead sheep.

Yes 1
No 2
Don't know 3

Ask if Q27 = yes (code 1)

Single Code

Q24 When was the last time this happened?

It has happened since 1 May last year (2018) 1
Longer ago than 1 May 2018 but less than 5 years ago 2
More than 5 years ago 3
Don't know 4

Ask if Q24= code 1

Single Code

Q25 On how many separate occasions were your sheep attacked, chased or preyed on by other animals or birds, since 1 May last year (2018)? If several sheep were affected on the same occasion, please treat this as one occasion. A later question will ask about the number of sheep affected.

If you're not sure, please give your best estimate.

Enter value

[Validation: if Q25 >30] Just to double check, you said this happened on <number> separate occasions since 1st May 2018. Is that correct?

Yes 1
No - please state the correct number of occasions 2

Q26 Multicode OK [if more than one at Q25, if one at Q25 then single code]


Q26 [if one at Q25] In which month did this incident occur? If you can't remember exactly, please give your best guess.

[if more than one at Q25] Please insert number of incidents in each month. If you can't remember exactly, please give your best guess.

May 2018
June 2018
July 2018
August 2018
September 2018
October 2018
November 2018
December 2018
January 2019
February 2019
March 2019
April 2019
May 2019
June 2019 [if survey date 1 June 2019 or later]

Validation if it doesn't add up to total number of incidents reported at Q25: You said you had had <number> incidents since 1 May 2018. Do you want to amend the number of incidents each month above, or amend the total number since 1 May 2018?

Ask if Q24= code 1

[if more than 1]: We'd like to ask you about the most recent incident. (Asking everyone about their most recent incident will give us the most accurate overall picture. But if you have other incidents you wish to tell us about, or any other comments, there will be an opportunity later on in the survey.) Please just tell us about the most recent incident in [Insert most recent month with an incident].

Q27 Were your sheep…?

Single Code

Chased but not attacked 1
Attacked 2

Ask if Q24= code 1

Q28 What species do you think was involved? Please select one answer.

Single Code only

Unsure/I don't know
Golden eagle
White-tailed sea eagle
Black backed gull
Other species (please say which)

Yes 1
No 2

Ask if Q24= code 1 and do not Ask if Q6= no (code 2)

Single Code

Q29 Do you have sheep on more than one holding?

Ask if Q29= Yes (code 1)


Q30 On which holding did this incident happen?

Please input the Parish and holding number

(This should be a seven digit number - include leading 0s e.g.012/0004 if your parish number is 12 and your holding number is 4)

__ __ __ / __ __ __ __

Ask if Q24= code 1

Multicode OK

Ask as loop

Q31 Just thinking about the incident with the [insert species at Q28 unless unsure/don't know], how were your sheep affected?

On each row, please tell us the number affected.

None affected this way Insert number affected [Validation: if > 99] Just to double check, you said <number> sheep were affected in this way in this particular incident. Is that correct?
Sheep killed
Sheep had to be destroyed/ euthanised
Sheep injured
Sheep aborted
Mis-mothering occurred
Sheep stressed but physically uninjured

For each row above (apart from sheep aborted), where number affected is one ask:

What kind of sheep was this? Was it a….?

Single Code

Ewe (pregnant or lactating/with lamb at foot) 1
Non-pregnant dry ewe or gimmer 2
Lamb (under 1 year old) 3
Hogget 4
Ram / tup 5


For each row above (apart from sheep aborted), where number affected is two or more ask:

What kind of sheep were they? Please insert number of each.

Ewe (pregnant or lactating/with lamb at foot) Enter value
Non-pregnant dry ewe or gimmer Enter value
Lamb (under 1 year old) Enter value
Hogget Enter value
Ram / tup Enter value

Please insert the total number of different sheep affected by the incident

Ask if Q24= code 1

Single Code

Q32 Did you personally witness the incident?

Yes - all of it 1
Yes -part of it 2
No - just the aftermath 3

Ask if Q32= code 2 or 3

Single Code

Q33 Did anybody else witness the attack?

Yes - somebody else saw all of it 1
Yes - somebody else saw part of it 2
Don't know/not that I am aware of 3

Ask if Q24= code 1

Multicode OK


Q34 Thinking specifically about this incident, approximately how long did you spend dealing with it in hours and minutes? If you are not sure, please give your best estimate.

Activity Estimated time (hours) (minutes)
Investigating the attack
Making arrangements with the vet
Making arrangements for the disposal of the carcasses
Personally treating injured sheep
Moving sheep to/from a different area
Replacing the lost sheep
Making an insurance claim
Other time spent related to the incident (please say what)
I did not spend any time on it

Ask if Q24= code 1

Multicode OK


Q35 Thinking specifically about this incident, approximately what was the financial cost, if any, of the incident to you? If you are not sure, please give your best estimate.

Type of cost Estimated cost (£)
Veterinary bill
Other treatment costs (e.g. medicines/dressings) not through vet
Disposing of/transporting carcasses
Lost value of sheep
Value of aborted lambs
Other costs (please specify)
There was no financial cost
I don't know/can't remember and I really can't give an estimate

Ask if Q24= code 1

Single Code/Numeric

Q36 If you received any money from an insurance claim or any other compensation in connection with the incident, please say how much.

Insert amount 1
I did not receive any money 2

Ask if Q24= code 1

Single Code

Q37 Did you/do you intend to make an insurance claim?

Yes 1
No 2
Don't know 3

Ask if Q24= code 1

Single Code

Q38 How much did this incident personally upset you, if at all?

Single Code

It upset me a great deal 1
It upset me quite a lot 2
It upset me a little 3
It did not upset me at all 4

Ask all


Single code for each statement

Have you put any of the following measures in place to try to prevent attacks by dogs?

Yes (1) No (2)
Signs for dog owners/walkers to encourage responsible management of dogs
Notices highlighting the lambing period
Moving sheep to a different area
Talking to dog owners
Other (please say what)

Ask as loop For each measure coded "Yes" (code 1 at Q43):

And overall how effective do you think this has been?

Very Effective 1
Fairly Effective 2
Not very Effective 3
Not at all Effective 4
Too early to tell 5
Don't know 6

Ask all

Single code for each measure

Ask Q44-Q46 as a loop for each measure

Q44 Have you put any of the following measures in place to try to prevent attacks by wildlife?

Yes No
Additional fencing/barriers to protect sheep
Moving sheep to a different area
Devices to scare/deter predators
Shooting predators
Wildlife traps
Working with a "fox control club"
Working with local gamekeeper
Other (please say what)

Ask for each measure coded yes at Q44

Q45 Which species was this to prevent attacks by?


Fox 1
Crow 2
Raven 3
Badger 4
Golden eagle 5
White-tailed sea eagle 6
Black backed gull 7
Skua 8
Other species (please say which) 9
I don't know 10

For each species coded at Q45

Q46 And how effective do you think the measure[s] you have put in place [have]/[has] been

Very Effective 1
Fairly Effective 2
Not very Effective 3
Not at all Effective 4
Too early to tell 5
Don't know 6

Ask all

Q47 Overall, how much of a problem do you think dog attacks are for….

A big problem A moderate problem A relatively minor problem Not a problem Don't know
You, personally?
Other sheep farmers in your area?

Ask all

Single code for each row

Q48 Overall, how much of a problem do you think wildlife predations and attacks are for….

A big problem A moderate problem A relatively minor problem Not a problem Don't know
You, personally?
Other sheep farmers in your area?

Ask all

Single code for each row

Q49 Do you think the following are increasing or decreasing….

Increasing a lot (1) Increasing a little (2) No change (3) Decreasing a little (4) Decreasing a lot (5) Don't know (6) Not applicable/species not present in the area (7)
a) Dog attacks in your area?
b) Wildlife attacks in your area?

Ask if Q49 b =Code 1 or Code 2

Ask Q50a-Q50b as a loop

Multicode OK

Q50a Attacks by which species of wildlife are increasing?

Foxes 1
Crows 2
Badgers 3
Ravens 4
Golden eagles 5
White tailed eagles 6
Black backed gulls 7
Skuas 8
Another species (please say what) 9

For each species mentioned:

Q50b And are they increasing a lot or a little?

A Little 1
A lot 2

Focus Group Schedule

1. Introduction (5 mins)

  • Introduce self and Ipsos MORI
  • Introduce the research: Thank participants for completing the survey and for giving up their time this evening to take part in the group.

This research has been commissioned by the Scottish Government following the survey, to explore your views and experiences of sheep attacks in a little more depth.

The Scottish Government are keen to get a better understanding of the issue and of the impact of sheep attacks on sheep farmers so this can inform policies and initiatives in this area.

  • Practicalities:
    • Explain that the group will last around 90 minutes
    • Provide reassurances of anonymity and confidentiality. Explain that no information about individuals will be passed on to anyone outside the research team.
    • You will get £35 as a "thank you" for your time
    • No right or wrong answers. Give everyone a chance to speak.
    • Request permission to record interview.
  • Any questions you'd like to ask before we start?

2. Background information on participants (5 mins)

Perhaps before we begin you could each just introduce yourself….

So, could you each tell me your name, where you live, how long you've kept sheep, and how many sheep you currently have. [Reassure participants that we are equally interested in all flock sizes if big differences]

3. Impact of attacks/ dog vs wildlife attacks (20 mins)

Firstly, if we could just begin by very briefly saying how much experience you've had of dog and wildlife attacks.

Probe: Were they one-off or repeated attacks? Which wildlife species? .

Emotional impact of attacks by dogs

For those of you who've experienced an attack by a dog on your sheep could you describe what happened?

How did it made you feel?

Probe if necessary:
Did you feel upset or distressed?
Did you feel shocked, or were you unsurprised?
Did you feel frustrated of helpless?
Did you feel angry? Who/what did you feel angry about?
Did you feel anxious? What were you anxious about?
Or did you feel accepting of it?
Probe on each: Which aspect most [upset/angered/shocked etc.] you?

Was anybody else affected? Family members? Anyone else?

If had more than one attack: Have your feelings changed after subsequent attacks compared to after the first attack?

And since the incident, could you describe how you have felt/what impact if any the incident has had on you?

Probe if necessary: Whether felt anxious, stressed, worried about sheep, worried about finances, concerned about future of business, frustrated/angry towards dog owners/about the law.

Has it affected your attitude to sheep farming?

Emotional impact of attacks by wildlife

For those of you who've experienced an attack by a wildlife species on your sheep could you describe what happened, most recently, and how it made you feel…

…at the time or shortly after the incident? Probe if necessary
Did you feel upset or distressed?
Did you feel shocked, or were you unsurprised?
Did you feel frustrated or helpless?
Did you feel angry? Who/what did you feel angry about?
Did you feel it could have been avoided/ it was anybody's fault?
Did you feel anxious? What were you anxious about?
Or did you feel accepting of it?
Probe on each: Which aspect most [upset/angered/shocked etc.] you?

Was anybody else affected? Family members? Anyone else?

If had more than one attack: Have your feelings changed compared to after the first attack?

And since the incident, could you describe how you have felt/what impact if any the incident has had on you?

Probe if necessary: Whether felt anxious, stressed, worried about sheep, worried about finances, concerned about future of business, frustrated/angry towards /about the law.

Has it affected your attitude to sheep farming?

Differences between dog and wildlife attacks:

Do you feel the same way about an attack by a dog as an attack by a wildlife species or would you see them differently?
If different Why is this? What makes the dog attack different?

Probe: The involvement of the dog owner?

Do you feel differently about wildlife attacks depending on which species it is?
Or depending on whether it's a repeated attack?

4. Support (10 mins)

Did you talk to anybody at the time about the attack? Who did you speak to?

Did you receive any kind of emotional support? (for want of a better word) Who from?

Probe if necessary:
Local community
Other local farmers
Sheep/farming association
Young Farmers

What other emotional support would be helpful to you in dealing/coping with the effects of attacks?

Who would you like to provide this? Why?
And are there any other forms of practical support that would be helpful to you in dealing with effects of an attack?

Probe: Support with specific tasks? Swift veterinary attention?

Help dealing with carcases/clean-up? Help with labour to cover other tasks?

5. Reporting to police (10 mins)

Have any of you ever reported a dog incident to the police?

If yes: Could you tell me a bit about what happened. Why did you make this decision?

If no but had an incident: Why not?

What do you think would happen if you reported it to the police?

Probe: Do you have any concerns about the implications of a report?

If think nothing would happen: Why do you have that impression? What would encourage you to report an incident to the police?

Do you know of anybody else who has reported an attack to the police?

Our survey found that only about a third of dog attacks are reported to the police. Why do you think that is?

6. Making an insurance claim (10 mins)

Has anyone here tried to make an insurance claim in relation to a dog or a wildlife attack?

If yes: Could you tell me a bit about the incident or incidents? Why did you make this decision?

How did you find the process?

What was the outcome of the claim? Were you happy with the amount you received?

Those who have not (but have had an incident): Why haven't you made an insurance claim?

If thought it wouldn't be worth it: Why did you have this impression?

7. Any other impacts (5 mins)

The survey covered the impact of attacks in terms of time and cost, and we've talked about the emotional impact, but are there any other ways you feel attacks by dogs or wildlife have affected you, your business, and/or your family?

Probe: How have these impacts changed as a result of multiple attacks among those of you who've had repeated attacks?

8. Attitudes to prevention and mitigation measures (10 mins)

Distribute results of the survey on support for measures for dog and wildlife attacks.

E.g. Just 50% thought greater public provision of suitable spaces for dog owners to allow dogs off-lead exercise should be a priority.

61% think enhanced compensation schemes for losses should be a priority

72% thought changing the protected status of some species should be a priority

In the survey, there was more support for some measures than others. Do these results surprise you?

Have you had personal experience of any of these measures?

Do you agree or disagree with the choice of priorities?

Why do you think some received less support?

Are there any measures that you think should be on the list but are not?

9. Awareness of prevention guidance would find helpful (10 mins)

How do you find out about ways to prevent attacks? Do you talk to other people about it?

Probe if necessary:
Local community
Other local farmers
Farming press
Other literature
Sheep/farming association
Young Farmers

Are you aware of any other places you could turn to for support or advice?

Would you ever consider using any of these?

Have you any suggestions for ways to improve access to help and advice? Or the quality of help and advice?

10. Close

Thank participants for their time.

Any final comments they would like to add before we finish up?

Distribute incentives.



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