
Sheep and goat identification and traceability: guidance for keepers in Scotland

Guidance for keepers on complying with the requirements to identify, record and report movements of sheep and goats.

Section 5: Critical control point (CCP) recording

What is CCP recording?

This is where animals with electronic identifiers have their individual identification numbers read and recorded on behalf of a keeper by a CCP[5] such as a market or abattoir.

The date CCP recording can be used from

Keepers can use CCP recording from 1 January 2010 when individual identifiers for fully EID identified animals need to be recorded in the holding register. A condition of using CCP recording is that when batches of animals from different holdings are being transported, the batches must be physically separated in the vehicle.

How CCP recording works

You do not need to record individual identity numbers for animals with electronic identifiers (the CCP will do this). You record all other required details for the movement in your holding register, and in the movement document. You carry out batch recording for animals that are not fully EID identified. You record the total number of animals moved in your holding register and in the movement document.

You send all the animals to the CCP who electronically reads and records the identification numbers of the animals that are fully EID identified. The CCP then sends the individual identification numbers to you. You must record or cross reference the identification numbers in your holding register. This must be done within 48 hours of when the animals arrive or depart your holding.

What to do if you receive incomplete information from the CCP

It is important that full and accurate records are maintained for the purposes of traceability. However, there may be times when the CCP sends you incomplete information.

This might happen for any of the following reasons:

  • the record from the CCP does not list all the individual numbers of the animals you moved.

In this case, you must have a sales invoice that confirms that the total number of animals you were paid for is the same as the total number you recorded in your movement document. For example, a keeper sent 50 animals to be read at a CCP but only 48 individual numbers were received but the sales invoice shows 50 animals paid for and received at the CCP.

  • equipment failure at the CCP.

Where this happens, the CCP will not be able to read the individual animal numbers on your behalf. In these cases, the CCP will give you a document explaining the situation and why individual information cannot be provided. You will need to keep this document with the other movement documents.

In either case, you must keep the supporting document (the market invoice or the document from the CCP) so that your records show why some individual numbers were not recorded. Both of these documents must be available for inspection. You are recommended to keep these in a folder and cross reference the relevant paperwork to the corresponding entry in your holding register. This document must be kept for a minimum of 3 years.



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