
Sheep and goat identification and traceability: guidance for keepers in Scotland

Guidance for keepers on complying with the requirements to identify, record and report movements of sheep and goats.


1. The tattoo can go across both ears (UK code and flock number on one ear, individual animal number on the other)

2.  Where upgrading takes place, every holding that the lamb has been on from birth must be recorded in the holding register.

3.  For f and g you could choose to keep a duplicate or a certified copy of the movement document rather than complete an entry in the holding register.

4.  It is an existing legal requirement to keep a record of deaths found at every inspection, of your animals including the full date; this forms part of the requirements of Cross Compliance.

5.  It will be for individuals to determine if they wish to act as a CCP, so consigners and receivers should check before animals move, as to whether they will be moving through a CCP or not.



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