
Shifting Normal - designing projects to tackle climate change: workshop guide

This workshop summary guide is designed to help community groups use Shifting Normal to design projects to tackle climate change.

Handout 3

How the Four Zones influenced the Four Questions in Transition Linlithgow's solar power project

The Four Zones






Does it feel right?


Generating clean energy locally feels good.

As more panels are installed they become part of the norm in the town, people feel more comfortable with the idea of installing their own.

Reducing carbon emissions also feels more normal.

People may be reluctant to install solar if they have recently upgraded their boiler etc.

Does it make sense?


Project explains the costs, benefits, and carbon savings for each particular household.

For people without savings, does it make sense to borrow to install solar?

People see others installing solar and reducing emissions: this gives them confidence that it will make sense for them too.

Government's Feed In Tariff makes installation more financially attractive. Imminent changes to the scheme provided an incentive to install before the deadline.

Financial returns from investing the cost of installation in financial products may influence decisions.

Using solar PV while connected to the grid means excess power can be sold and you still have electricity when the panels aren't generating.

Is it do-able?


No skills or knowledge required
for installation.

Supplier explains how to use equipment after installation.

Transition Linlithgow is trusted locally: they and their expert can help residents with the decision and carry out the installation.

Planning regulations may be an issue, especially in conservation areas.

The solar market is crowded and complex. The project made it easier for people to make the decision to go ahead.

Showcase event helps people understand the equipment available.

Supplier advises whether each property is suitable for particular equipment.

Does it fit into my day?

Time And schedules

Some disruption during installation.

Perhaps showering in the evening, using timers on washing machine etc.

Some disruption during installation.

Whole family may need to change routines to make the most of the system.

Solar thermal provides more hot water later in the day which may affect routines. Making the most of solar PV means using energy when the sun is shining. Project explains how to make best use of system.


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