
Shipping Study of the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters

A study of shipping activity to better inform the marine spatial plan pilot for the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Strategic Area. The aim of this process is to ensure there is good knowledge of the

use of these waters by all stakeholders so that futur


Under the Scottish Government Framework Contract for Provision of Strategic Environmental Assessment (REF: 17895), Scottish Ministers commissioned Anatec and Halcrow to provide a Shipping Study of the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters ( PFOW ) Strategic Area.

The specific focus of the study is commercial shipping and recreational vessels. Other Marine Scotland publications which include recent shipping information that may be useful to the reader are referred to below:

Other references used in this study are included in Section 11 of this report.

The Steering Group for the project consisted of the following organisations (in addition to Marine Scotland, Anatec and Halcrow):

  • Maritime and Coastguard Agency ( MCA )
  • Northern Lighthouse Board ( NLB )
  • Chamber of Shipping ( CoS )
  • Royal Yachting Association ( RYA ) (Scotland)
  • Scrabster Harbour Trust
  • Orkney Islands Council ( OIC ) Marine Services

Marine Scotland and their consultants, Anatec and Halcrow, greatly appreciate the significant contribution made to the study by members of the Steering Group and the many respondents to the study questionnaire.

This report summarises the work carried out on the project and the key findings and recommendations.


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