
Shipping Study of the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters

A study of shipping activity to better inform the marine spatial plan pilot for the Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Strategic Area. The aim of this process is to ensure there is good knowledge of the

use of these waters by all stakeholders so that futur

4. Literature Review

The following reference publications were reviewed:

  • Admiralty Charts (Ref. [ii])
  • Admiralty Sailing Directions (Ref. [iii]).
  • Clyde Cruising Club ( CCC ) Sailing Directions and Anchorages for N and NE Scotland and Orkney Islands (Ref. [iv])
  • Orkney Marinas' Sailing Guides (Ref. [v])
  • RYA Coastal Atlas (Ref. [vi])
  • The Cruising Almanac 2012 (Ref. [vii])

The full references are included in Section 11.

Example extracts from some of these publications are provided below.

Figure 4.1 Chart Guidance for the Pentland Firth

Figure 4.1 Chart Guidance for the Pentland Firth

Figure 4.2 Extract from the RYA Coastal Atlas

Figure 4.2 Extract from the RYA Coastal Atlas

Kirkwall to Stromness / Stromness to Kirkwall: Kirkwall to Stromness takes about 3.5 hours at 8 knots. Sailing from Stromness to Kirkwall, there is a quite a roost out of Hoy Sound [1] on the ebb during any westerly weather. Eynhallow Sound is best approached on the flood. The deepest water is between Rousay and Eynhallow but the most straightforward channel is between Eynhallow and Mainland Orkney. The tide in Eynhallow Sound turns approximately the same time as Kirkwall so Hoy Sound is reached at the first flood.

Figure 4.3 Extract from Orkney Marinas Sailing Guide

The above publications provide useful background information on recreational vessel activity in the area of interest, but the information is not as precise as required by Marine Scotland for the spatial planning work.

Further consultation was carried out with potential data providers and stakeholders to identify other information, as described in Section 5.


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