
Short-life Working Group on Co-ordinated Support Plans (CSPs): Final Report

Report presenting the findings and conclusions from the Coordinated

Support Plan Short-Life Working Group.

Glossary of Terms

In this document we use the following words, which have the following meanings:

The 2004 Act

The Education (Additional Support for Learning) Scotland Act 2004 (as amended)


Additional support needs

Additional support needs

Where a child or young person needs need extra or different support from their peers to benefit from their education.

Factors giving rise to additional support needs: learning environment, family circumstances, disability or health needs, social and emotional factors.

Child and young person

Children (up to 15 years) and young people (16 years and above) who are still in school education

Child's plan

As set out in the Children and Young People Act (Scotland) 2014, a holistic wellbeing plan to identify and meet the needs of pupils. Some education authorities use Child's Plans for their ASN planning


All involved are working together in partnership

Co-ordinated support plan (CSP)

The statutory education plan which must be prepared in certain circumstances

Education authority

The local authority, sometimes called 'the Council' – this is the body responsible for providing school education.

Early Learning and Childcare settings (ELC)

ELC settings are all those which offer education and childcare to children up to school age. These include settings known as family centres, day nurseries, nursery schools, nursery classes attached to primary schools, and childminders. ELC settings can be operated by local authorities, private businesses, voluntary sector organisations and, in the case of childminders, self-employed individuals.

Doran Review

The Doran Review of Learning Provision for Children and Young People with Complex Additional Support Needs published in November 2012, was conducted to identify ways of improving educational outcomes for children with complex additional support needs.


Getting it right for every child – the national approach in Scotland to improving outcomes and supporting the wellbeing of children and young people

Individualised education programme (IEP)

A type of education plan that will contain information on the targeted interventions which need to be provided. This is not a statutory plan. The IEP may cover some of the same areas as a CSP

Appropriate agency

This includes Social work, other local authorities or any Health Board, The Scottish Agricultural College and Skills Development Scotland.


Education, Social Services, Health, Third Sector colleagues

Legal responsibilities and statutory requirements

Obligations which must be carried out

Looked after

Under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995, 'looked after children' are defined as those in the care of their local authoritysometimes referred to as a 'corporate parent'. The term 'care experienced is now frequently used, however the 2004 Act uses the legal term 'looked after'.

Parent and Carer

A mother, father or a person who is the carer for the child and has parental responsibility

The Promise

The Promise Scotland is responsible for driving the work of change demanded by the findings of the Independent Care Review. Home - The Promise

School education

Nursery school, primary school and secondary school

Staged Level of Intervention

A process within the Scottish education system that uses a solution focused approach which helps identify, assess, plan, record and review the learning needs of children and young people. It aims to meet a child's needs at the earliest opportunity and with the least intrusive level of intervention. The process involves the child, parents and carers, school staff and, at some levels, other professionals. All work in partnership to get it right for every child.

Third sector organisations

A term used to describe the range of organisations that are neither public sector nor private sector. It includes voluntary and community organisations (both registered charities and other organisations such as associations, self-help groups and community groups), social enterprises, mutuals and co-operatives.


Means an Additional Support Needs Tribunal


The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Scottish Government is committed to the incorporation of UNCRC into Scots law.

Article 28 recognises the right of the child to education.

Article 29(1) sets out five aims of education, which includes the development of the full potential of the child and adds a qualitative dimension to the right to education recognised in Article 28, insisting on the need for education to be child-centred.

'The goal is to empower the child by developing his or her skills, learning and other capacities, human dignity, self-esteem and self-confidence. "Education" in this context goes far beyond formal schooling to embrace the broad range of life experiences and learning processes which enable children, individually and collectively, to develop their personalities, talents and abilities and to live a full and satisfying life within society.



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