
Short-life Working Group on Co-ordinated Support Plans (CSPs): Final Report

Report presenting the findings and conclusions from the Coordinated

Support Plan Short-Life Working Group.

Why have we reviewed the use of CSPs?

The Scottish Government committed in May 2019, to review the use of CSPs. It was agreed that this work would not begin until the ASL Review had concluded. This was to allow the findings from this wider review to inform the review of CSPs.

Whilst there are many examples of good practice across education authorities, concerns have consistently been raised about the low number nationally of children and young people who currently have a CSP[7] and whether there are barriers which impact on the implementation of CSPs. Concerns have also previously been raised about the low number of looked after children and young people who have a CSP. The SLWG want to make sure that all children and young people who are entitled to a CSP have one and that any barriers which exist are overcome.

Children and young people, their parents, carers and professionals must be provided with a clear understanding of the law around entitlement to a CSP when the criteria is met, and the purpose and benefit of it as a planning tool. Sufficient time is also required to allow for all involved to engage in effective collaborative practice required in ASN planning to support the delivery of meaningful outcomes for children and young people.



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