
Short Life Working Group On Prescription Medicine Dependence And Withdrawal: consultation

This consultation seeks views on the draft recommendations from the expert Short Life Working Group convened to make recommendations on addressing prescription medicine dependence and withdrawal.

Annex B - Collaborative Responses

Scottish Government will run 2 on-line events where you will have the opportunity to ask questions directly, details of these events will be published at

To aid your contribution to the way forward, we are inviting you to facilitate a conversation with and between people in your communities and the individuals that you support. This conversation will built around the questions to this consultation.

Depending on the size, scope and remit of your organisation there are a number of methods to facilitate these conversations you may consider.

Here are some possible methods to initiate and support these conversations:

  • Arrange a virtual gathering (such as using Zoom)
  • Combine with relevant pre-existing activity being delivered by your organisation or group
  • Utilise 1:1 discussions
  • Any other method – any other preferred method of engagement which can be used to capture responses and experiences relating to the questions.

Regardless of the method you decide to use, we ask that all feedback is recorded and submitted through Citizen Space to allow us to analyse in a robust and accurate way.

Due to COVID-19 we are encouraging any activity to take place online, or via phone, wherever possible. However, where your organisation is already partaking in face to face activity it may be possible, at your own discretion, to combine this with participation in the conversation.

All engagement activity should be delivered in line with official guidance from Scottish Government.

Facilitation Guidelines

If you choose to host a group conversation, then please use the following facilitation guidelines to support a rich and diverse discussion.

Facilitators should make themselves known to the group and share that they will be adopting the role of facilitator. The role of facilitator should be clarified as distinct from participant, chair etc and the influence this makes on your interventions.

Before starting the conversation facilitators may wish to do a check in with the group if numbers permit, asking participants to share their name and how they are today. This gives each individual a chance to speak to the group before going on to share their views and experiences.

The facilitators will then propose a working together agreement which can include:

  • Timeframe – remind the group we have a short period of time to capture all viewpoints
  • Seek to understand – be curious, discussion will be supported by asking questions
  • Commit to the purpose – Ask participants to sign up to the aims and purpose of this event. Facilitators will keep them on track to achieve this.

Throughout the conversation the facilitator needs to keep the group focussed on the discussion, asking the questions detailed in this consultation and ensure all voices are heard. The facilitator will encourage divergent thinking, so a wide veriety of thoughts and ideas are shared. These then need to be recorded in the attendee’s own words.

Top Tips for virtual facilitation

  • Cameras on Request that participants, where comfortable and able to do so, keep their cameras on to create an environment of “presence” in the conversation and assist facilitators.
  • Microphones muted To reduce background noise, ask participants to keep their microphones muted when not contributing to the conversation.
  • Utilise additional features of your chosen platform Most virtual platforms have a chat box and hand raising feature. Encourage participants to use these to share their thoughts and assist the facilitator in monitoring who would like to contribute.
  • Make time for breaks When planning your session, factor in time for breaks.
  • Time planning conversations often take longer when occurring virtually, so remember to factor this in when planning your engagement activity and associated agenda.
  • Factor in tech support Assigning an individual to undertake tech support for the event can help it to run smoothly should technical issues arrise. It can also be helpful to assign an individual to monitor the chat box and raise relevant discussion points shared there.



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