
Short Scottish Secure Tenancies for antisocial behaviour and miscellaneous changes: statutory guidance for social landlords

Statutory guidance for social landlords on using the changes to the law on short Scottish secure tenancies introduced in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014.

9. Other Changes To The Grounds For Granting A Short SST – Accommodation For A Person Requiring Housing Support Services

9.1 The 2001 Act includes a ground[34] which allows landlords to give a short SST to let a house on a temporary basis to a person requiring or in receipt of housing support services. Section 7(4)(b) of the 2014 Act amends this ground. The amended ground reads as follows:
Paragraph 6
“Accommodation for person in receipt of housing support
The house is to be let expressly on a temporary basis to a person –
(a) to whom no other paragraph of schedule 6 applies, and
(b) who is in receipt of a housing support service.”

9.2 This change means that where any of the other grounds for granting a short SST in schedule 6 of the 2001 Act apply, (such as any of the antisocial behaviour grounds), the ‘Accommodation for person in receipt of housing support’ ground cannot be used to give a prospective or existing tenant a short SST from 1 May 2019 onwards.

9.3 It also means that it is no longer sufficient for a person to require housing support services for this ground to be used to give a short SST from 1 May 2019. The prospective or existing tenant must actually be receiving a housing support service.



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