
Short Scottish Secure Tenancy for homeowners: guidance for social landlords

Guidance on using the ground for granting a short Scottish Secure Tenancy to a homeowner introduced in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014.

9. Extending the term of the short SST for homeowners

9.1 At the start of the tenancy landlords should set a date when the tenancy should be reviewed. The review should take place before the tenancy is due to end, at a point that allows sufficient time for the homeowner to make alternative arrangements if the tenancy is not continued at the end of the term. When the tenancy is reviewed, landlords will wish to consider whether an extension of the short SST is appropriate, or whether the tenant is now in a position to meet their own housing needs. If neither the tenant nor the landlord have taken steps to end the tenancy before the end of the term the tenancy may continue by:

  • tacit relocation[7] (automatic renewal) for the same period and on the same terms (or for a year if that period is greater than a year) unless either the landlord or the tenant have taken steps to prevent tacit relocation from operating; or
  • express agreement[8] where the landlord and tenant agree to the tenancy being continued for a period on the same or different terms. In such cases the tenancy continues to be a short SST and it can be for a period of less than six months.

9.2 Circumstances where it may be appropriate for the short SST to continue in agreement with the tenant could include:

  • where the purchase of a property that the tenant intends to move to will not be finalised before the end of the tenancy but is imminent; or
  • where repairs to the property the tenant owns have taken longer than expected but will be completed in the near future.



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