
Short-term lets consultation: response analysis

Independent analysis of the responses submitted to the short-term lets consultation on a regulatory framework for Scotland.

Part 3 - Regulation of Short-Term Lets in Scotland

62. The consultation paper outlined a number of benefits and potential problems from short-term lets. Benefits included its contribution to tourism and the associated economic activity as well as providing flexibility in the amount and variety of accommodation for tourists, but also other temporary tenants such as contract workers. New collaborative online short-term rental platforms can help respond to short increases in demand for accommodation.

63. According to the consultation paper, in terms of potential problems, these can include a loss of residential housing, a loss of amenity to a neighbourhood, personal safety risks, damage to property, regulatory mismatches, poor visitor experience and loss of revenue to public authorities. That said, there is little by way of objective evidence of the incidence and severity of these potential problems.



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