
Short-term lets – licensing scheme and planning control areas: consultation analysis

Report on the Scottish Government’s short term lets: consultation on a licensing scheme and planning control areas in Scotland which ran from 14 September to 16 October 2020.


1 All Scottish Government consultation and research documents on short-term lets from 2019 and 2020 and the BRIA referred to in this report can be accessed from

2 Sometimes the host (in home sharing or home letting) may also be a tenant (i.e. the host is renting from a landlord). In other circumstances, the resident owner of the property may outsource the hosting to another person or organisation.

3 I.e., taking its common law meaning as set out in Planning Circular 10/2009.

4 This was called sharing in the 2019 consultation paper.

5 This was called swapping in the 2019 consultation paper.

6 Although only 188 classified themselves as “other”, there were 411 further explanations provided to this part of the question.

7 By some coincidence, this is the same number that responded to the 2019 consultation!

8 However, 237 responses named an organisation, suggesting that some individuals responding for themselves had an organisational affiliation.

9 Although only 350 selected “other”, there were 408 responses to this part of the question.

10 See

11 As they are not class 9 residential properties.

12 Tied accommodation is accommodation provided as part of a person’s work or employment, for example a farmworker’s cottage on the farm.

13 The power at section 225(4) of the Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 to substitute new amounts for the current fine levels would change the levels across all the offences to which the standard levels refer, not just to offences in relation to short-term let licences.

14 This wording is the same as in the consultation paper, save the substitution of “and” with “or”; one consultee observed that either or both of these grounds (availability of residential housing; character of a neighbourhood) were reasonable objectives for a control area and the Scottish Government agrees.

15 The Articles of the UNCRC and the child wellbeing indicators under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 apply to all children and young people up to the age of 18, including non-citizen and undocumented children and young people.

16 In some cases, the police may regard spent convictions and police intelligence as relevant information.




20 See Tourism in Scotland; the economic contribution of the sector (2018) commissioned by the Tourism Leadership Group:

21 Note that housing shortages in island locations could be down to a number of factors beyond short-term lets, including: second and homes, a smaller private rented sector than in urban areas and the challenge of trying to match need and demand in smaller communities.


23 Includes Luing

24 Includes Rum, Canna and Eigg

25 Includes Mull, Tiree and Coll


27 Figures quoted in our research was based on InsideAirbnb data from May 2019 and is before the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

28 Many local authorities set fees based on number of occupants but some choose to have a flat fee structure.

29 Na h-Eileanan Siar, Orkney and Shetland.

30 Scottish Government research, 2019.

31 PRE01073.

32 Here encompassing the Law Society, the Scottish Parliament and the Regulatory Review Group.

33 Excluding clerks and Parliamentary staff.



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