Short Term Lets Licensing Statistics Scotland to 31 December 2023

Short Term Lets Licensing Statistics Scotland to 31 December 2023

This is the third statistical publication reporting on the operation of the short term lets licensing scheme under the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets) Order 2022. Local authority licensing schemes opened to receive applications from 1 October 2022.

The supporting Excel file for this publication includes Excel versions of the charts and tables presented, along with detailed tables at a Scotland, local authority and data zone area level. Information on the operational context and data collection and data quality is available in the Data and Methodology section.

This publication uses a different methodology to the previous publication for assigning dates. Previously an application was presented by quarter in which it was validated. Applications are now presented according to the quarter in which it was received. This change has occurred as local authorities have 9 to 12 months to assess the outcome of an application starting from the date an application was received. Where we do not have data on date application was received, date validated is used – this is particularly relevant to Glasgow City data.

An Official Statistics Publication for Scotland

These statistics are designated as Official Statistics in accordance with the Statistics and Service Registration Act 2007. They have been produced to high professional standards set out in the Code of Practice for Statistics.

Further information on Official Statistics is published by the UK Statistics Authority.


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