Short term lets - licensing scheme part 2: supplementary guidance

Licensing guidance part 2 is intended for Scottish licensing authorities, letting agencies and platforms facilitating short-term lets in Scotland.

8. Responsibilities upon obtaining a licence

(a) Information to be displayed[42]

Hosts must make the following information available within the premises in a place where it is accessible to all guests—

a) a certified copy of the licence and the licence conditions,

b)fire, gas and electrical safety information,

c) details of how to summon the assistance of emergency services,

d) a copy of the gas safety report,

e) a copy of the Electrical Installation Condition Report, and

f) a copy of the Portable Appliance Testing Report.

g) a copy of instructions as to what guests should do in the event that the carbon monoxide alarms sounds and, where relevant

h) a copy of safety instructions as to the operation and movement of any mobile heater - if there is a mobile gas cabinet heater in the premises.

(b) Listings to include licence number, maximum occupancy and EPC rating[43]

Hosts must ensure that any listing or advert (whether electronic or otherwise) for your premises includes—

a) the licence number,

b) the maximum number of guests permitted to reside in the premises, and

c) a valid Energy Performance Certificate rating, if you are required to have one for the premises.

8.1. Where hosts have a licence, they must display their licence number on any listing or advert. Displaying their licence number will help guests to know that the accommodation meets the standards of the licensing scheme.

8.2. Where hosts have electronic listings or adverts, for example on their own website or on a platform, they should update their listing or advert as soon as reasonably practicable after receiving their licence.

8.3. Licensing authorities and letting agencies (platforms) are expected to conduct checks to ensure that licence numbers on listings and adverts are genuine and that these requirements are complied with.

8.4. Hosts should be clear on any advert or listing, and in their booking terms and conditions, on the maximum number of guests that they can accommodate under the terms of their licence.



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