Short term lets - licensing scheme part 2: supplementary guidance for licensing authorities, letting agencies and platforms

Licensing guidance part 2 is intended for Scottish licensing authorities, letting agencies and platforms facilitating short-term lets in Scotland. An update will follow The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 (Licensing of Short-term Lets) Amendment Order 2024 coming into effect.

Annex D - Public register specification

Note: to be completed and agreed. Constrained types and formats (e.g. postcode) to be specified.

Content Type / Format Description M/O[40]
Applicant Name Full Name The applicant’s full name M
Title Title O
Forenames String (repeatable) M
Surname String M
Premises address Address Address M
Address Line 1 String First line of address M
Address Line 2 String Second line of address O
Address Town String The town component of the address M
Address County String The county component of the address M
UK Postcode Postcode The postal code M
Council Ward Ward The council ward in which the premises is located M
Ward Ward (constrained type) M
Date of application Date The date the application was received M
Date of application Date (dd-mm-yyyy) M
Status Status Status of the application M
Application status Status (constrained type) Whether the application has been granted, refused, being determined, revoked, lapsed, suspended. M
Type of premises Premises The type of premises to which the application relates M
Type of premises Premises (constrained type) e.g. detached home, semi-detached home, terraced home, flatted dwelling, unconventional dwelling M
Short-term let type The type(s) of short-term let M
Short-term let type STL Type (constrained type) (repeatable) One or more of home sharing or home letting; or secondary letting M
Maximum occupancy Number The maximum occupancy as specified on the licence M
Maximum occupancy Number (integer) Maximum number of guests allowed to reside in the premises M
National Park National Park M
National Park National Park (constrained type) Indicates whether the short-term let is within either Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park or the Cairngorms National Park or neither. M
Licence number M
Licence number Licence number As specified in Annex C. M
Number of bedrooms Number Number of bedrooms in the premises O
Number of bedrooms Number (integer) O
Occupancy data O
Year Year (yyyy) Year to which data relates M
Nights available Number (repeatable) Nights available, repeatable for each property O
Nights occupied Number (repeatable) Nights occupied, repeatable for each property O
Manager Name Name O
Title Title O
Forenames String (repeatable) M
Surname String M
Company name String Company name if management is provided by a company O
Address Line 1 String First line of address M
Address Line 2 String Second line of address O
Address Town String The town component of the address M
Address County String The county component of the address M
UK Postcode Postcode The postal code M
EPC rating EPC O
EPC rating EPC (constrained type) Rating A to G O



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