
Shortage occupations list 2018: call for evidence - our response for health and social care

Response to the UK Migration Advisory Committee call for evidence on the shortage occupation list summarises skills shortages within health and social care sector in Scotland, and details the contribution of international workers.

Current Acute Shortages

34. Evidence from NHS Health Board returns, alongside vacancy information data which is published quarterly by NHS Information Services Division (the most recent data is accessible here) highlights the following occupations as having the most acute shortages

Health Workforce

Job title Closest ONS job title Closest ONS occupation code
Nurses & Midwives Nurses 2231
Physiotherapists Physiotherapists 2221
- Diagnostic Radiographers
- Nuclear medicine practitioner
- Sonographers
- Radiotherapy physics practitioner
- Radiotherapy physics scientist
Medical Radiographers 2217
Clinical Physiologists:
- Cardiac Physiology
- Neurophysiology
- Respiratory Physiology
- Sleep Physiology
- GI Physiology
Respiratory Physiologists 2219
Gastro Intestinal Technologists/physiologists 2219
- Vascular Science Vascular technologists/physiologists 2219
Paramedics Paramedics 3213
- General Surgery
Medical Practitioner 2211
- Gastroenterology Medical Practitioner 2211
- Psychiatry Medical Practitioner 2211
- Radiology Medical Practitioner 2211
- Histopathology Medical Practitioner 2211
- Vascular Surgery Medical Practitioner 2211
- Paediatrics Medical Practitioner 2211
- Anaesthetics Medical Practitioner 2211
- Oncology Medical Practitioner 2211
- Urology Medical Practitioner 2211

Social Care Workforce

Evidence from a range of sources suggests there are significant shortages in the following occupations.

  Job title Closest ONS job title Closest ONS Occupation code Sector(s) most affected
1 Social Workers Social Workers 2442 Social work
2 'Care at home support worker' or equivalent Care workers and home carers 6145 Care at home
3 'Care home support worker', or equivalent Care workers and home carers 6145 Care homes for adults
4 Nurse Nurse 2231 Care homes for adults
5 Housing Support Workers Officer, support, housing & Worker, support, housing. 3234 Housing Support



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