Cladding Remediation Programme: Single Building Assessment specification

Sets out the methodology for the proper carrying out of a Single Building Assessment (SBA). Please note that any references in the text or in supporting documents to “the Bill” should be read as references to the Cladding Remediation Act, which is in force from 6 January 2025.

Appendix B. SBA Checklist

The below checklist shall be considered when undertaking an SBA. This is not to be used as an all-encompassing list. It is acknowledged that certain buildings may have their own specificities which are brought to light during the assessment

Single Building Assessment Introduction

Has a statement on the purpose of the report been included?


Has a building description been included, discussing location, UPRN, building height, type of occupancy etc.?


Has a section outlining the FRAEW assessor’s competency to undertake this work been provided?


Has a section outlining the FRA assessor’s competency to undertake this work been provided?


FRAEW – Introduction

Has the scope of the assessment been detailed?


Has the limitations of the assessment been discussed?


Has the PAS 9980 methodology been outlined?


Has a detailed description of the EWS build up been provided for each of the building’s EWS?


Has a description of the building’s fire strategy and fire safety design been provided?


FRAEW – Step 1

Was Figure 4 of PAS 9980 followed to determine that a full FRAEW was required, or not required?


If a full FRAEW is not required, has the justification for this been provided?


FRAEW – Step 2

Has the information that was gathered been detailed (Fire Strategy, Architectural Drawings, Product data sheets etc.)?


Were intrusive inspections carried out and has this been detailed alongside photographic evidence and locations of the photos?


If intrusive inspections were not carried out has this been rationalised?


FRAEW – Step 3

Has a description of the three categories of risk factors in Annex K, Annex N and Annex F of PAS 9980 been detailed?


Has each building EWS been detailed against each risk factor arising from fire strategy/fire hazards detailed in Annex F of PAS 9980?


Has each building EWS been detailed against each fire performance risk factor detailed in Annex K of PAS 9980?


Has each building EWS been detailed against each risk factor arising from façade configuration risk factors detailed in Annex N of PAS 9980?


FRAEW – Step 4

Has a summary of Step 3 been provided with the findings set against the benchmark criteria set out in PAS 9980?


Has a clear explanation been provided as to whether each EWS topology present achieves a ‘Fail’ or ‘Pass’ against each PAS 9980 benchmark criteria?


FRAEW – Step 5

Has an outcome for each EWS topology been provided using the risk scale provided in PAS 9980?


If a ‘Medium’ outcome was determined after using the risk scale, is a ‘Tolerable’ or ‘Intolerable’ outcome detailed?


FRAEW - Summary

Has any UIM been made and detailed discussion on why these are required?


Has any remedial work recommendations been made and detailed discussion on why these are required?


FRA - Introduction

Has an introduction to the FRA been provided? Outlining the scope, limitations of the assessment and the methodology to be used?


FRA - Assessment

Is there discussion around what Stage of an FRA is being undertaken (Stage 1 or Stage 2)?


Has an FRA been undertaken, with Appendix C of this Specification document, or a suitable alternative, utilised in full?


Does the summary of the assessment detail out what remedial actions are required and what of these are ‘Intolerable’? Are these provided with recommended timeframes?


Does the building have a commercial unit/premises and has an assessment been undertaken in these areas?


Summary and Next Steps

Has the two assessments been brought together with a clear description on the overall holistic building outcome in regards to risk to human life?


Has a summary of the remedial actions proposed with both assessments been provided in this section for clarity, outlining the ‘Intolerable’ issues?


Have these remedial actions been put against the Risk Mitigation Matrix and put in the forms in Appendix H?


Have any UIM that came out of the assessments been detailed in here for further clarity?


Update Following Remedial Actions (Not Always Required)

Has detail been provided as to how the building has now been brought into a ‘tolerable’ risk level following remedial action?




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