Single Building Assessment Specification Task and Finish Group: final output and recommendations - March 2024

Following the first Single Building Assessment (SBA) Task and Finish Group, a successor group was established. This March 2024 report sets out the issues the successor group discussed, where resolution was agreed, and recommendations for progress and next steps.

Summary of Resolved Issues, Decisions and Actions from the successor SBA Specification Task and Finish Group

Issue/Question: Clarity around Building Warrant compliance and precisely which sections will be required to be met consistently across Scotland.

Position: Resolved

Note: 25.01.24 Agreement that core principles of PAS9980 should form basis of the SBA specification.

Action: N/A

Issue/Question: Developers feel that the SAN leads to cladding remediation to A2 or A1 which is betterment of a building rather risk based. Where cladding is not the issue (fire risk) what is the position of SAN.

Position: Resolved

Note: 25.01.24 Agreement from Group that this is resolved by agreement that PAS9980 core principles should form basis of SBA specification (which will replace the Scottish Advice Note for cladding remediation purposes).

Action: Building Standards to provide clarity on PAS9980 core principles replacing Scottish Advice Note in SBA Specification – Building Standards will need to ensure this reaches Building Control.

Issue/Question: Competency of assessors and fire engineers.

Position: Resolved

Note: Agreement this is not entirely in scope for this Group.

SBA Specification will set requirements for fire engineers and assessments – passed to Joule Group.

Action: N/A

Issue/Question: Why is investigation of masonry cladding and associated cavity barriers required? What is the status of non- masonry cladding?

Position: Resolved

Note: Building standards advise that section 2.4 standard requires that:

“Every building must be designed and constructed in such a way that in the event of an outbreak of fire within the building, the spread of fire and smoke within cavities in its structure and fabric is inhibited.”

The guidance to Standard 2.4 within the Technical Handbooks should be followed in the design and construction of a cladding system.

Whilst cavity barriers are not necessary to divide a cavity formed by two leaves of masonry or concrete where both leaves are at least 75 mm thick, cavity barriers are required where the outer leaf of the wall is masonry, but the inner leaf is not masonry.

The SAN gives guidance on the investigation of cladding (see the Practical Guide in Annex 5), which includes figures showing a cladding system with external masonry. The SAN is guidance and alternative methods of investigation may be acceptable to locate cavity barriers and consider the installation. This may include methods such as use of a borescope to examine the cavity.

Building Standards advised the SAN guidance applies to all types of cladding and their assessment.

A competent fire engineer should be able to determine suitable methods of investigation.

25.01.24 - Issue resolved with detail to come from Joule Group.

Action: N/A

Issue/Question: A test standard is needed for fire testing of existing materials.

Position: Resolved

Note: Chair advised the standards of testing is outside the scope of this Group.

Buildings standards advised that this is a matter for a competent fire engineer to determine. The guidance in the Technical Handbooks contains information on and reference to fire tests, including for materials and systems in specific situations.

Agreement from Group that Developers can commission SBA process.

Action: N/A

Issue/Question: Professional Indemnity (PI) cover of those undertaking the SBA has risen substantially since Grenfell, reducing supply (of experts) at a time when there is heightened demand.

Position: Resolved

Note: Agreement this issue is outside of the scope of this Group. Noted it is a constraining factor and potentially made more difficult in setting SAN as guidance.

Action: SG to report back on any discussion on this issue with ABI / UK Finance / finance and lending sector.

Issue/Question: Risk Based Assessment

Position: Resolved (Subject to further drafts of SBA specification amending wording)

Note: ‘Medium’ risk should be changed to ‘tolerable risk’ in SBA specification.

Action: ‘Medium’ risk is used in certain circumstances throughout PAS9980, SBA specification will reflect the language of PAS9980, changing to ‘tolerable’ where required.



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