
Procurement - Single Point of Enquiry (SPoE) service for public sector suppliers

Get information and advice about public sector contracts.

If you are a public sector supplier and have concerns about a specific tender exercise then the Single Point of Enquiry (SPoE) can offer independent advice.

SPoE does not have formal powers to investigate concerns or change decisions made by buying organisations, but it can work with you and the buying organisation on an informal basis to try and resolve any concerns.

How to make an enquiry

Please complete the below SPoE questionnaire, giving as much information as possible.

Email your completed form to:

Or send it to:

Single Point of Enquiry
Scottish Government Procurement and Commercial Division
The Scottish Government, 7th Floor
5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw
Glasgow, G2 8LU

If, having consulted a solicitor, you decide to bring legal proceedings, the SPoE will not consider your case until the legal proceedings have been completed.

Before the SPoE is able to look into any matter on your behalf, we require that you have taken all reasonable steps to resolve the issue with the buying organisation.

Enquiry response times

If, upon receipt of your enquiry, it is straightforward and easily resolved we aim to provide a formal response within 5 working days, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

If your enquiry is more complex and requires the SPoE to carry out further enquiries we aim to provide, following the conclusion of these enquiries, a final response within 20 working days after receipt of the enquiry unless there are exceptional circumstances.

In both of the above circumstances, we will acknowledge your enquiry within 2 working days either by telephone or email.

Other options

If you believe that a public body has breached the public procurement rules and you have been unable to resolve your concerns, you may consider:

  • bringing legal proceedings in the Sheriff Court or Court of Session. If you are considering bringing legal proceedings, you should seek early advice from a solicitor

for tender exercises started on or prior to 31 December 2020

  • complaining to the European Commission. This does not cost anything, but the Commission may take some time to assess, accept and pursue your concerns. Further information can be found on the European Commission
SPoE questionnaire.doc
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