Slavery and human trafficking statement

Our slavery and human trafficking statement outlines the strategies and actions we have taken to identify, prevent and mitigate slavery and human trafficking in our own operations and supply chains.

6. Goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

As this is the first Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement produced by the Scottish Government we do not yet have established performance indicators that we can report on. This section instead sets out our goals for the coming year and we will report against these in an updated Statement next year.

1. We will continue to scrutinise our supply chains and monitor the KPIs below and review more of our Supply Chain for Modern Slavery Risks.

2. We will ensure that current resources are effectively deployed, taking into account the changes to the working environment brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.

3. We will continue to take forward work on Duty to Notify.

4. We will increase awareness of human trafficking and exploitation amongst core-Scottish Government employees.

5. We will monitor implementation of the UK Nationality & Borders Act, Illegal Migration Act and the proposed UK Modern Slavery Bill, providing input where appropriate and ensure the Scottish Government's objectives embedded within the Programme for Government are communicated to the UK Government.

6. We will publish the fifth annual report of the current Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy, as well as taking forward engagement work with both stakeholders and the wider public to refresh Scotland's Trafficking and Exploitation Strategy.

7. We will commit to reviewing this Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement annually and updating as necessary.



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