
Small Grants Programme: funding awards 2018 to 2019

A list of organisations awarded funding from the Small Grants Programme for international development in 2018 to 2019.

Project grants

Aiming Higher in Malawi




Aiming Higher in Malawi (AHIM), in partnership with Female Education & Empowerment Centre, is looking to significantly raise the livelihoods of 420 Guardians with 420 children with disabilities and 2500 of their siblings in rural Mulanje South West and Thyolo East. The main aim of the project is to increase agricultural productivity and strengthen climate resilience of the guardians by promoting kitchen gardens, small scale irrigation and using locally constructed shallow wells. The project looks to reduce poverty and increase food security and in the longer term, this project will lay the foundation for plans to introduce livestock to the community and move the focus towards income generating activities, and selling surplus produce for a profit.


Year one: £34,424
Year two: £25,576
Year three: £0
Total: £60,000

Cairdeas International




Cairdeas International (CI) will support the University of Rwanda to integrate a holistic, patient focused syllabus of Palliative care into their national curriculum for medical students. The project design is grounded in the focus on building health systems in Rwanda on Palliative care, in line with government policy, which has been refocused in recent years on the issue of end of life care. The project will seek to work directly with the University of Rwanda, building on the work achieved by the MoH by directly training health workers. This will be achieved through the integration of an effective curriculum into the existing medical studies programmes.


Year one: £27,870
Year two: £31,760
Year three: £0
Total: £59,630

First Aid Africa




First Aid Africa (FAA) aim to build their work in Northern Malawi through direct work with the College of Nursing in Mzuzu and through building the sustainability of their own Malawi office. Having identified that nurses lack formal training in emergency first aid outwith the clinical context, this proposal aims to build training within the college of medicine, building capacity through their direct involvement in community based delivery of training, increasing overall access to emergency first aid in the area and building expertise within the college.

The project will also look at growing the capacity of the Malawi team, based currently in the North, to deliver commercial first aid training across Malawi as a means of income generation.


Year one: £19,401
Year two: £20,461
Year three: £20,131
Total: £59,993

Diverse Talent




In the central province of Zambia, poor road safety, dangerous driving and a lack of adequate first aid are a significant cause of death and injury. A lack of knowledge, agency on the part of passengers in public transport and access to emergency medical care underpins this high mortality rate. Diverse Talent (DT) is proposing a creative solution, using creative arts and drama as a means of communicating messages for behaviour change as a means to save lives. Creative workshops in year one will engage local communities in the process giving a project which is community driven.


Year one: £19,600
Year two: £20,300
Year three: £20,100
Total: £60,000

The Balmore Trust




The project focuses primarily on helping KASFA gain WTFO membership and HACCP certification. This will facilitate an increase in the attractiveness of Kilombero rice to consumers both in-country and in Europe, by strengthening guarantees relating to the conditions under which the rice is grown and processed.


Year one: £33,640
Year two: £13,500
Year three: £0
Total: £47,140

Total amount awarded in project grants: £286,763

Capacity building grants

Zambia Therapeutic Art


Scotland / Zambia


This proposal seeks to build the capacity of both Scottish and Zambian partners, through the development of an operational strategy, a programme of training, including financial management, project management and governance training for trustees. Development of strategy will also include staffing reviews. In Zambia, plans include strengthening of ZTA presence within networks and associations to ensure work in both countries is being driven forward in the most effective way. Development will also include finance systems and support of an in-country lead. The capacity building work proposed is essential to ensure the organisation is developing in a positive and sustainable way both in terms of the operational team and project delivery.

Grant: £10,000



Scotland / Zambia / Malawi


This Capacity Building grant focuses on professionalising the LUV+ staff as it continues to grow and look beyond the original scope of the organisation. This will take the form of project management training, the development of a MEL toolkit for LUV+ and further communications strengthening for partners in Malawi and Zambia, including a new website, the hiring of an assistant and training courses.

Grant: £9,580

The Soko Fund


Scotland / Malawi


The Soko Fund has applied for a Capacity Building grant in order to boost their communication strategy, M&E tools and website development. The project will primarily strengthen fundraising communication approach and develop monitoring and evaluation systems, including a set of tools that will result in a more systemic approach to M&E. This will allow Soko Fund to be able to communicate their findings more effectively and evaluate their scholarships.

Grant: £10,000

International Voluntary Service


Scotland / Mozambique


International Voluntary Service's (IVS) capacity building grant will assist with the restructuring programme currently underway within the organisation. The organisation is looking to refine its partnerships, create strong communications about its goal and vision, and develop a MEL tool with which to formally track and evaluate projects. The grant will also provide start-up funding for a project with Paralmento Juvenil in Mozambique, focusing on volunteer-led English teaching. This project will be used by IVS as an example of good practise going forward, and the type of partnership the charity is looking to engage with in the future.

Grant: £9,577

Mamie Martin Fund


Scotland / Malawi


The proposal includes a review of the organisation both in Scotland and in Malawi, highlighting the need for improving overall governance, capacity of trustees, the development of an organisational strategy and finally improved systems in finance and MEL to ensure greater transparency in sharing information between Malawi and Scotland.

Proposed capacity building activities include a programme of training for board members, including governance and financial management. Fundraising training and growth of MMF speaker network will support the growth of the organisations income.

In country support includes training in financial and project management for the Malawi based project manager, as well as driving lessons to support greater mobility in rural areas as well as reduced costs (currently needs to use a driver and hire car).

Grant: £9,423

Total amount awarded in capacity building grants: £48,580

Feasibility grants

Yes! Tanzania




Yes! Tanzania feasibility study grant will test the effectiveness of using an integrated in-school and after-school sports programme which promotes attendance and enhances formal and informal education for young people.

Grant: £10,000

Global Concerns Trust




This proposal for a feasibility study in Kenya will pilot the use of an 'incubator approach' for local artisans on the Kenyan coast who are currently disconnected from the thriving tourism industry. As a result, poverty rates in these communities fringing popular resorts are often extremely high. Global Concerns Trust, along with a Kenyan community based NGO and in collaboration with Challenges Worldwide, will provide support and development to small businesses, through workshops and consultations. The project looks to unlock the potential of cultural tourism within these areas, working to harness the vast skills, knowledge and a rich cultural history which exists within these communities.

Grant: £9,517

Total amount awarded in feasibility grants: £19,517


Email: Central Enquiries Unit

Telephone: 0300 244 4000

International Development Team
Scottish Government
2H North
Victoria Quay

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