
SME access to finance report: 2014

This report draws on data from the Small Business Survey 2014 to assess access to finance conditions for SMEs.

In July 2009, the Scottish Government published its first survey on SME Access to Finance, to assess credit conditions in Scotland at the height of the financial crisis. Follow-up surveys were carried out in 2009, 2010 and 2012.

The latest report published in March 2015 draws on data from the Small Business Survey 2014 to assess access to finance conditions for SMEs. This is a UK-wide survey which the Scottish Government contributes funding to in order to boost the sample of Scottish firms. In addition, evidence from a wide range of other sources is incorporated, in order to give a more complete view of the finance landscape.

The findings of the surveys can be found in the attached documents.

SME access to finance 2014 - report.pdf
SME access to finance 2014 - slidepack.pdf
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