
Smoke-free Scotland - Guidance on smoking policies for the NHS, local authorities and care service providers

Guidance on smoking policies for the NHS, local authorities and care service providers

Those in the public services and in the caring professions have a vested interest in the smooth implementation of the smoke-free legislation and in making the law work.

This guidance is aimed at those in the NHS, local authorities and other care service providers in Scotland concerned with the development and implementation of smoking policies for staff, visitors and those who use their services.

Its purpose is two-fold:

  • to enable them to comply with the smoke-free provisions of The Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005, coming into force on 26 March 2006; including specific advice for those in control of premises exempted under the legislation; and
  • to advise on the development of an approach to tobacco which will maximise the benefits of becoming smoke-free.

The document builds on:

Helping to get your business or organisation ready for the new law on smoking: A guide for employers, managers and those in control of premises, published by the Scottish Executive (2005) 1;

Effective Tobacco policy in the Health Service: Guidelines for Action published by ASH Scotland (1998) 2;

Tobacco at work: guidance for local authorities. Achieving the best outcomes. A joint publication between NHS Health Scotland, ASH Scotland and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (2004) 3; and

The Managing Health at Work Partnership Information Guideline, the Scottish Executive (2003) 4 Available at .

It was also informed by the findings of the re-audit of tobacco control policies 5 in the NHS in Scotland commissioned by ASH Scotland in conjunction with the Scottish Executive and NHS Health Scotland (2005).

Further information on smoke-free public places is available

This guidance is also available online at

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