
Smoke-free Scotland - Guidance on smoking policies for the NHS, local authorities and care service providers

Guidance on smoking policies for the NHS, local authorities and care service providers

Appendix 4 References and further resources / information


1. Scottish Executive. Helping to get your business or organisation ready for the new law on smoking: a guide for employers, managers and those in control of premises. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive, 2005

2. ASH Scotland. Effective tobacco policy in the Health Service: guidelines for action. Edinburgh: ASH Scotland, 1998

3. Griffiths, J. Tobacco at work: guidance for local authorities: achieving the best outcomes. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland, 2004.

4. The Scottish Executive. The partnership information guideline: managing health at work. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive, 2003. [online] Available from: [Accessed 26 November 2005]

5. ASH Scotland. Re-audit of Tobacco Policies in the NHS in Scotland. Executive Summary. Edinburgh: ASH Scotland, 2005.

6. The Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005.

7. The Scottish Executive. The prohibition of smoking in certain premises (Scotland) regulations 2006. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive, 2005. [online] Available from: [Accessed 28 November 2005]

8. The Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003.

9. Statutory Instrument 1999, No. 3242

10. Statutory Instrument 1992, No. 3004

11. Fichtenberg, C.M. and Glantz, S. Effect of smoke-free workplaces on smoking behaviour: systematic review. British Medical Journal 2002: 325(7537): p.188

12. Farrelly, M. C., Evans, W. N. and Sfekas, A. E. The impact of workplace smoking bans: results from a national survey. Tobacco Control 1999. 8(3): pp.272-277

13. European Commission Representation in the UK. Background briefings: working time directive. London: European Commission Representation in the UK, 2005. [online] Available from: [Accessed 28 November 2005]

14. Action on Smoking and Health. Factsheet No. 8: secondhand smoke. London: ASH, 2005. [online] Available from: [Accessed 27 November 2005]

15. IARC. Tobacco smoke and involuntary smoking. IARC Monographs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risks to humans. Volume 83. Lyon: International Agency For Research On Cancer, 2002

16. Department of Health. Report of the Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health ( SCOTH) - secondhand smoke: review of evidence since 1998. Update of evidence on health effects of secondhand smoke. London: Department of Health, 2004. [online] Available from: [Accessed 27 November 2005]

17. Hole, D.J. Passive smoking and associated causes of death in adults in Scotland. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland, 2005. [online] Available from: [Accessed 01 December 2005]

18. Action on Smoking and Health. Passive smoking: a summary of the evidence. London: ASH, 2004. [online] Available from: [Date accessed 27 November 2005]

19. Action on Smoking and Health. Factsheet No.2: smoking statistics: Illness and death. London: ASH, 2005. [online] Available from: [Accessed 28 November 2005]

20. Ludbrook, A., Bird, S. and van Teijlingen, E. International review of the health and economic impact of the regulation of smoking in public places. Edinburgh: Health Scotland, 2005. [online] Available from: [Accessed 28 November 2005]

21. Parrott, S. et al. Costs of employee smoking in the workplace in Scotland. Tobacco Control 2000. 9(2): pp.187-192

22. The Scottish Executive. Smoking in public places: a consultation on reducing exposure to second-hand smoke: the evidence report. Edinburgh: The Scottish Executive, 2004. [online] Available from: [Accessed 27 November 2005]

23. Repace, J., Kawachi, I. and Glantz S. Fact sheet on second-hand smoke. Bowie, MD: Repace Associates, Inc,1999. [online] Available from: [Accessed 27 November 2005]

24. Action on Smoking and Health. Why ventilation does not protect. London: ASH, 2003. [online] Available from: [Accessed 27 November 2005]

25, West, R. and Shiffman, S. Smoking cessation: fast facts indispensable guides to clinical practice. Oxford: Health Press, 2004.

26. NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland. Smoking cessation guidelines for Scotland: 2004 update. Edinburgh: NHS Health Scotland, 2004

27. Winstanley, M., Woodward, S. and Walker, N. Tobacco in Australia: facts and issues. Victoria: Victorian Smoking and Health Programme, 2005 (p.205).

28. Action on Smoking and Health. Factsheet No.12: what's in a cigarette. London: ASH, 2005. [online] Available from: [Accessed 27 November 2005]

29. USEPA. Respiratory health effects of passive smoking. EPA/600/6-90/006F. Washington DC: United States Environmental Protection Agency, 1992

30. Department of Health. Report of the Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health (1998). London: Department of Health, 1998

31. Hanke, W., Sobala, W. and Kalinka, J. The effect of environmental tobacco smoke on birth weight: a prospective study employing biomarkers of exposure. Ginekolgia Polska 2000. 71(8): pp.833-836

32. Windham G.C., et al. Prenatal active or passive tobacco smoke exposure and the risk of preterm delivery or low birth weight. Epidemiology 2000. 11(4): pp.427-433

33. Dejin-Karlsson E., et al. Does passive smoking in early pregnancy increase the risk of small-for-gestational-age infants? American Journal of Public Health 1988. 88(10): pp.1523-1527

Further resources / information

If your organisation is tackling the issue of policy development for the first time, then the following sources of advice and information may prove to be helpful:

i. The ASH Scotland website:

ii. The ASH website:

iii. ACAS. Health and employment. London: ACAS, 2005. [online] Available from: [Accessed 28 November 2005]

iv. The Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives (now incorporating Scotland's Health at Work)

v. A Simple Guide to smoking policies in the workplace - NHS Health Scotland

If you need information on smoking cessation / cessation support - posters, leaflets, No Smoking Day etc. then go to:

i. Your local NHS Board

ii. Smokeline - 0800 84 84 84

iii. No Smoking Day organisation:

If you work in the NHS and require information about the Partnership Information Network Guideline on managing health at work go to:

Information on a range of issues connected with smoking in public places and work places, including the health and economic impacts of tobacco in Scotland, can be found at:

Tobacco Information Scotland ( TIS) is a new initiative from the ASH Scotland Information Service. TIS was developed to provide the best possible gateway to tobacco-related information in Scotland, providing access to key policy documents and guidelines, statistics, and health promotion materials.

This legislation offers an historic opportunity to improve levels of public health in Scotland and to reduce health inequalities, both now and for future generations.

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