Social capital and community wellbeing in Scotland

This report provides information about the extent and nature of social connections and social capital in Scotland from 2018/2019 - 2022. It draws on a range of data, from both the Scottish Household Survey and qualitative research, to explore social capital in Scotland.


1. Measuring progress - Communities | National Performance Framework

2. See Place Standard - Place Standard Tool (How Good is Our Place).pdf

3. Mid-2022 Population Estimates Scotland | National Records of Scotland (

4. Scottish Government: Social isolation and loneliness: Recovering our Connections 2023 to 2026 - (

5. Minority Ethnic includes Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Chinese or Other), African, Caribbean or Black, Arab and Other Ethnic

6. White: Other includes White: Irish, Polish, Gypsy/Traveller, Roma, Showman/woman and Other White Ethnic.

7. The SHS questions on sex and gender have changed over time. Please see the glossary at Supporting documents - Scottish Household Survey 2022: Key Findings - ( for more details

8. The ‘social stuff’: connections, communities and health (

9. Social capital in the UK - Office for National Statistics (

10. 16. Social Capital | How's Life? 2020 : Measuring Well-being | OECD iLibrary (

11. OECD (2020) How’s Life? 2020: Measuring Well-Being 11. Social Connections | How's Life? 2020 : Measuring Well-being | OECD iLibrary (

12. Holt-Lunstand, J. et al, Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: A Meta-analytic Review, July 2010

13. » Community wellbeing case study synthesis (


15. Dodds (2016) Social_contexts_and_health__web__original.pdf (

16. Rapid evidence review of community initiatives - GOV.UK (

17. Rapid evidence review of community initiatives - GOV.UK (

18. The Preventative State: Rebuilding out local, social and civic foundations -

19. Frontier Economics The Impacts of Social Infrastructure Investment (

20. Social infrastructure and the public life of cities: Studying urban sociality and public spaces - Latham - 2019 - Geography Compass - Wiley Online Library

21. Local Trust 2023 How social infrastructure improves outcomes - Local Trust

22. Local Trust 2023 How social infrastructure improves outcomes - Local Trust

23. Final Report COVID-19 Social Study (

24. Health in a changing city: Glasgow 2021 (

25. The Impact of COVID-19 on Wellbeing in Scotland: Wave 4 Fieldwork 26 Jan –11 Feb 2022 (

26. Scottish Third Sector Perspectives on volunteering during Covid-19: Survey Report (

27. The Impact of COVID-19 on Wellbeing in Scotland: Wave 4 Fieldwork 26 Jan –11 Feb 2022 (

28. The Cost of Living Crisis in Scotland: analytical report - (

29. The People's Panel - cost of living: research findings - (

30. Social Contexts and Health (

31. The People’s Panel was a lived experience panel that ran from 2021 to 2022 and explored different experiences of wellbeing, including community resilience and experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic: The People's Panel - community resilience: research findings - (; The People's Panel - COVID-19: research findings - (

32. For more information about Scottish Household Survey methodology: Scottish Household Survey 2021: methodology and fieldwork outcomes - (

33. The * symbol is used to indicate a statistically significant difference.

34. The index design was informed by a research study (IPSOS Mori, Scottish Government, 2018) 1. Introduction - Designing a social capital dashboard: study - (

35. In the absence of research and evidence to show the comparative importance of social capital evidence, the index is based on an equal weighting of the four themes. Because there is a different number of questions in each theme, some questions have more influence over the overall trend than others. It is important to bear this in mind, and also look at the source data when interpreting findings.

36. The Scottish Household survey asks people about formal volunteering (‘over the last 12 months have you given up any time to help any groups, clubs, or organisations in an unpaid capacity) and informal volunteering - giving unpaid help directly – not via an organisation or group – to other people or places, not including help given to relatives.

37. NB. Informal volunteering itself is not a part of the social capital index but is included in the report for information

38. Given the large number of measures we do not have space to report on every measure. We have therefore focused on measures where we have seen a large difference or measures that are reported on in the National Performance Framework. All measures are however contained in Annex B and / or in the accompanying excel workbooks

39. Table of Local Authority breakdowns provided in Table 9 in Annex C

40. Table of Local Authority breakdowns provided in Table 10 in Annex C

41. Table of Local Authority breakdowns provided in Table 11 in Annex C

42. Data from SIMD 2020 shows which local authorities have the most and least percentage of deprived areas (called data zones) – see Annex G Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020 - (

43. Social capital in Scotland: report - (

44. Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2020 - (

45. Scottish Government: A Connected Scotland: our strategy for tackling social isolation and loneliness and building stronger social connections - (

46. More information about urban and rural classifications: Scottish Government Urban Rural Classification 2020 - (

47. Minority Ethnic includes Asian (Pakistani, Indian, Bangladeshi, Chinese or Other), African, Caribbean or Black, Arab and Other Ethnic.

48. White: Other includes White: Irish, Polish, Gypsy/Traveller, Roma, Showman/woman and Other White Ethnic.

49. The 2022 SHS results for tenure should be treated with caution, as there is evidence to suggest that social rented and private rented households may be slightly underrepresented in the achieved sample.

50. Scottish Government: 3. What is meant by the concept of 'intersectionality'? - Using intersectionality to understand structural inequality in Scotland: evidence synthesis - (

51. The biennial questions include loneliness and how often people meet others socially, as well as whether individuals have taken part in ‘any type’ of volunteering in the past 12 months.

52. Percentages in this report have been rounded to the nearest whole number. As a result of this calculated changes may be out compared to the difference between the stated percentages.

53. Homeworking in the UK – regional patterns - Office for National Statistics (

54. Percentages in this report have been rounded to the nearest whole number. As a result of this calculated changes may be out compared to the difference between the stated percentages.

55. The * symbol is used to indicate a statistically significant difference.



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