Social capital and community wellbeing in Scotland

This report provides information about the extent and nature of social connections and social capital in Scotland from 2018/2019 - 2022. It draws on a range of data, from both the Scottish Household Survey and qualitative research, to explore social capital in Scotland.

Annex A: Changes in the 18 social capital measures between 2018 / 2019 and 2022

Percentage point change in agreement with the 18 statements within the Social Capital Index, by each of the four themes of Social Networks, Community Cohesion, Social Participation and Community Empowerment, 2018 / 2019 - 2022, Scotland [54]

Social Networks
Change since last measure (% point) 2022 Change[55]
Could rely on a neighbour to help 87% 1 p.p.*
Neighbours would keep an eye on home 87% 2 p.p.*
Could turn to neighbours for advice 81% 2 p.p.*
Would help your neighbours 91% 1 p.p.*
Meets socially at least once a week 69% -3 p.p.*
Felt lonely in the last week 23% 2 p.p.*
Community Cohesion
Change since last measure (% point) 2022 Change
Positive neighbourhood rating 95% 1 p.p.
Neighbourhood belonging 83% 5 p.p.*
Neighbourhood safety 81% -2 p.p.*
Neighbourhood trust 82% 4 p.p.*
Neighbourhood kindness 87% 4 p.p.*
People from different backgrounds get on well 74% 5 p.p.*
Places to meet and socialise 57% 0 p.p.
Welcoming places to meet new people 53% 1 p.p.
Social Participation
Change since last measure (% point) 2022 Change
Formal volunteering 22% -4 p.p.*
Informal volunteering 36% 0 p.p.
Any type of volunteering (formal or informal) 46% -3 p.p.*
Community Empowerment
Change since last measure (% point) 2022 Change
Influence on decisions 18% 0 p.p.
People improve the neighbourhood 64% 6 p.p.*



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