
Social care: eligibility criteria and waiting times Scotland 2022-2023

The latest information on new clients meeting eligibility criteria for social care support, and the waiting times between first contact, completion of a community care assessment and delivery of a new personal care service.

In December 2023, an error was identified in the formulas used to calculate the breakdown of waiting times between completion of a community care assessment and delivery of a personal care service. This only affects the calculations of 'total of local authorities that responded each year' and no individual local authority data is impacted. In correcting this error, the following data in the time between completion of assessment and service delivery section of this publication and accompanying tables and figures have been revised on 19 December 2023:

  • Proportion of new personal care clients in each waiting times and each eligibility criteria between completion of a community care assessment and delivery of a personal care service in the final quarter for each financial year (2012-2023).

An omission was also identified in the number of new personal care clients receiving a new service in the final quarter of 2023. The figure for East Lothian was erroneously excluded. In correcting this, the following data in the New Personal Care Clients section of this publication and accompanying tables have been revised on 19 December 2023:

  • New Personal Care Clients, East Lothian clients aged 18 to 64 (2023).
  • New Personal Care Clients, local authorities that responded every year aged 18 to 64 (2023).
  • New Personal Care Clients, East Lothian clients aged 65+ (2023).
  • New Personal Care Clients, local authorities that responded every year aged 65+ (2023)
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