
Social care - Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the advisory Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel for the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation of social care.


The Chair will provide a written update to the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care/ Minister for Mental Wellbeing and Social Care on a bi-monthly basis.

The final report will be delivered by the end of June 2023 and will make such recommendations as the Chair considers appropriate in relation to improving regulation, inspection and scrutiny, in terms of any of the matters listed under Remit, and any other recommendations as the Chair considers appropriate.


The Scottish Government in its Secretariat role to the Chair and Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel will prepare meeting papers and generally advise and provide support to enable groups to operate effectively. Papers will be circulated at least one week in advance of meetings.

Members are invited to indicate to the Secretariat any accessibility requirements or adjustments they might require for participating in meetings.

These terms of reference will be discussed at the first Panel meeting and amendments will be made where relevant.



Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation (IRISR)

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