Social care - Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel minutes: December 2022 - easy read
Minute of the Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel meeting in December 2022 in easy read format.
Practitioner and Stakeholder Panel Meeting - Minutes of meeting - Easy Read
A practitioner is a member of staff.
A stakeholder is someone from an organisation or group that supports our work.
Who was at the meeting?
Chair - Stuart Currie - Chair of the Meeting and Vice Chair of the Independent Review of Inspection, Scrutiny and Regulation of Social Care in Scotland (IRISR).
In the rest of this document this will be called ‘the review’.
Practitioner and Stakeholder members
- Adoption UK
- The Health and Social Care Alliance (The Alliance)
- Care Home Relatives Group
- Coalition of Care and Support Providers (CCPS)
- Coalition of Carers in Scotland
- Inclusion Scotland
- National Day Nurseries Association
- People Led Policy Panel
- Queens Nursing Institute Scotland
- Scottish Care
- Self-Directed Support Scotland
- Social Work Scotland
- The Promise Scotland
- The Royal College of Nursing Scotland
- The Scottish Young Carers Services Alliance Network
Scottish Government secretariat
A secretariat is an admin team that gives support with meetings
- Kerry Brooks
- Arlene Crockett
- Laura Ferguson
- Daniel Nagy
Who could not come to the meeting?
Practitioner and Stakeholder members from:
- British Association of Social Workers
- Community Justice Scotland
- Shelter Scotland
- Scottish Adoption
- Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs
Actions from last meeting
An action is what will happen.
The secretariat said:
- a Panel member is looking at the question about the draft Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA)
Equality Impact Assessments make sure the way people work, and work policies treat everyone fairly and equally.
Draft means it is not the final version.
The secretariat will send out invitations to all Panel members by email as calendar invites.
The meeting agreed the minutes of the November meeting and they will be published on the IRISR website.
There was a question about how the review’s Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) and privacy notice will look.
These are ways of keeping information private.
A member of the secretariat will look into this.
New information on stakeholder engagement
A member of the secretariat gave an update on stakeholder engagement – when people are asked what they think.
Panel members talked about this.
One member asked if they could run events.
The secretariat will contact this Panel member to get information about how to do this.
Panel members asked if the call for evidence dates could be changed.
Stuart will talk to the Chair of IRISR about having a longer time for the call for evidence.
Looking at themes – ‘A person centred way of working’
Person centred care puts people and their families at the centre of decisions and sees them as experts, working with staff.
The Panel talked about person centred care.
Panel members suggested that the Panel could answer specific questions about each theme at meetings in the future.
Stuart said this will be on the agenda of the next meeting.
Date of next meeting
The next Panel meeting will take place on 17 January from 10am to 12pm at Victoria Quay, Edinburgh.
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