
Social Care Services, Scotland, 2015

Latest national figures for Social Care services provided or purchased by Local Authorities in Scotland.


This Statistics Release presents the latest national figures for Social Care services provided or purchased by Local Authorities in Scotland. These services give people the support, practical help and personal care that they need to live as independently as possible in the community.

The introduction of Self-directed Support (SDS) means that everyone eligible for social care and support has the right to choice, control and flexibility to meet their personal outcomes. This has resulted in changes to the way that Social Care information is recorded across Scotland. This report presents information on the following services:

  • Home Care
  • Community Alarm / Telecare and
  • Direct Payments (now SDS "Option 1")

A follow-up report reflecting the makeup of individuals' support plans rather than how many people use each service will be published at a later date (see the background notes for more information).

Figure 1: Home Care and Direct Payments clients, 2001 to 2015*

Figure 1: Home Care and Direct Payments clients, 2001 to 2015

*Home Care data for March census week, Direct Payments data for financial year ending 31 March.

Source: Scottish Government Social Care Survey 2013-2015, Home Care Census / Self-Directed Support Survey 2001-2012

There are three sections to the report:

1. A summary of clients of all ages receiving Social Care services in Scotland
2. Service-level information on older people, aged 65+, receiving Social Care services
3. Service-level information on working age adults, aged 18 to 64.


Email: Steven Gillespie

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