
Green land investment in rural Scotland: social and economic impacts

Outlines the findings of research into the range of potential social and economic impacts relating to new forms of green land investment in rural Scotland.

Annex 3

Prior to being interviewed, all participants were sent a consent form and asked to return it. In some cases, oral consent was given, in which the researcher read out the information sheet and consent forms to the participant.

This is the community interviewee consent form:


Participant Identification Number:

Title of Project:

Socio-economic impacts of green land investment

Principal Investigator:

Annie McKee

Study Number:

James Hutton Institute Project code: X003438-00

Please Initial Box

I confirm that I have read, or had read to me, and understand the information sheet dated 4/4/2023 for the above study. I have had the opportunity to ask questions and these have been answered fully and explicitly.

I understand that my participation is voluntary, and I am free to withdraw at any time, without providing any reason and without my legal rights being affected, up until the publication of any outputs. If I choose to withdraw during or after the interview / focus group and up until publication, my data will be omitted.

I understand the study is being conducted by researchers from The James Hutton Institute, and funded by the Scottish Government, Rural and Environmental Science and Analytical Services Division (RESAS).

Any personal data collected via this consent form as well as the interview / focus group recordings and transcripts will be kept confidential within the research team and stored securely. I understand that while all efforts will be undertaken to anonymise my testimony and I will not be directly named in any published outputs, the content of my testimony might make me identifiable (i.e. participants’ roles may be mentioned in outputs).

Please note that it is not possible to guarantee complete anonymity because of the risk that characteristics of the local community or landholding may be too difficult to anonymise.

I agree that a transcript of my interview can be archived in an open repository for future research purposes. I understand that all efforts will be made to remove any text that might identify me or the case study location prior to archiving.

I understand that the interview will be audio recorded and transcribed.

I agree to being contacted at a later date in relation to this study.

I acknowledge that I have read and understood the privacy notice.

I agree to take part in the above study.

_________________________ __________________________ _________

Name of Participant (please print) Signature Date

_________________________ ___________________________ _________

PI/Researcher Name (please print) Signature Date

Privacy Notice

The James Hutton Institute (“Hutton”) and the Scottish Ministers (Scottish Government) (both referred to “us”, “we”, “our”) will use your personal data for the purposes of the research undertaken in the project ‘Socio-economic impacts of green land investment’ (see: We are acting as joint data controllers in this project and have put in place a joint controllership agreement outlining our roles and responsibilities in relation to personal data.

Our lawful basis under the UK GDPR for processing your personal data is that this is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest in relation to research funded by the Scottish Government. For the purposes of this project, we may process the following types of personal data about you:

  • Name
  • Contact details (telephone number, email address)

• Any information we collect from you or hold about you as part of this research project, i) data collected during the interviews ii) project management documentation e.g., consent forms and iii) records of communications with you e.g., email correspondence.

Your personal data will be stored securely on the computer systems of the James Hutton Institute and any access to it will be password protected and restricted only to the project team. We will store and retain any information that we collect from you as part of this research project for up to two years after the end of the project, to allow all publications based on this work to be accepted for publication.

If you have given your consent to being contacted at a later date in relation to this study, we will retain your name and contact details for five years after the end of the project. We will contact you on an annual basis to confirm this ongoing consent. We will archive metadata (e.g. thematic coding frameworks) and anonymised transcripts (removing all identifiers) in an open repository.

If you have agreed for your online interview to be recorded, personal data captured within the recording are stored within the cloud service owned by the video-conferencing company. Your personal data may be transferred outside of the EEA and the UK by the video-conferencing company. We have in place appropriate contracts with any third-party suppliers who may be accessing your data on our behalf to ensure that your data is held securely and protected adequately. This includes contracted transcribers, who will be acting as a data processor for the personal data that they will access to provide their services.

You have rights in relation to your personal data. Our main privacy notices, (Hutton) and (Scottish Government) explain in more detail how we handle your personal data as well as your rights. Any requests for accessing the personal information which we hold about you (“Subject Access Requests”) can be addressed to">

If you have any questions about the research or a complaint about how we have handled your personal information, please get in touch with or If this does not resolve your complaint, you can contact our Data Protection Officers on or

The Information Commissioner is the regulator for UK GDPR. You have the right to raise concerns with the Commissioner if you are not happy with the way your information is being handled:

Customer Contact

Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane City



You can also report concerns online. For more information, please see the Contact Us page of their website:

Principal Investigator contact details:

Dr Annie McKee

Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences,

The James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen.

Tel: +44 (0) 1224 295394; Email:

Scottish Government contact details:

Dr Emily Harris

Rural Communities Research & Statistics

Scottish Government, Saughton House

Tel: 07741238799; Email:



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