
Social housing: net zero progress report - quarter 2 2024

Quarter 2 2024 progress reports on the social housing net zero heat fund.

Project Title: Prospecthill Cladding Project

Project Organisation: River Clyde Homes

Technology Type(s): EWI, Triple Glazed Windows

Location(s): Greenock, Inverclyde Council

Grant Value: £1,647,535

Completion Date: September 2024

Project Headline: This project involves installing a complete rainscreen cladding system incorporating external insulation and new triple glazed windows to improve 90 properties thermal efficiency

Project Description:

The works funded via the SHNZHF grant include the external insulation and new triple glazed windows to Prospecthill, a multi-story block in Greenock containing 90 flats. The project aims to achieve the AECB/LET Retrofit standard and achieve an energy demand of 40Kwh/pm2/pa for each property. The properties are currently heated by a biomass district heating scheme.

The project is envisioned to be the first of its kind within social housing in Scotland and learnings from the project will be offered to the sector more widely. The project aims to remove poor energy performance which is a driver for fuel poverty, aiming to lift the tenants out of fuel poverty, improve thermal comfort and reduce the properties carbon emissions.

Monitoring of the property will include monitoring of heat, temperature, Co2 and humidity. Combined these indicators will provide information on the improvements to tenants and support further learnings from the project.



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