
Social housing: net zero progress report - quarter 2 2024

Quarter 2 2024 progress reports on the social housing net zero heat fund.

Project Title: Arlington Street

Project Organisation: West of Scotland Housing Association

Technology Type(s): Communal ASHP, Thermal Storage, Windows Replacement

Location(s): Glasgow, Glasgow City Council

Grant Value: £310,000

Completion Date: May 2024

Project Headline: This project included replacing current communal gas boilers with a communal ASHP system including thermal storage to maximise heat output and window replacement.

Project Description:

This project on Arlington Street in Glasgow is a sheltered housing complex for elderly people consisting of twenty five flats spread across three floors, which was previously heated by a communal gas-fired boiler plant in the ground floor.

A communal ASHP was deemed the most effective clean heating solution with individual Heat Interface Unit (HIU) for each flat and a backup electric boiler. The HIU allows tenants to control and be billed for their heating and hot water use rather than being billed for the buildings heating demand, which could exceed their personal use.

The communal ASHP has reduced the carbon footprint of the building and offers reduction in energy bills for tenants with the support of fabric improvements, including thermal glazed windows.



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