
Social housing: net zero progress report - quarter 2 2024

Quarter 2 2024 progress reports on the social housing net zero heat fund.

Project Title: Pier View Tiree Energy Efficiency Project

Project Organisation: West Highland Housing Association

Technology Type(s): ASHP, Solar PV, Battery Storage, Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery, IWI, Loft Insulation, Windows & Door Replacement

Location(s): Tiree, Argyll & Bute Council

Grant Value: £1,055,296

Completion Date: April 2024

Project Headline: Project involved whole house retrofit to 16 semi-detached timber frame off-gas properties in Scarinish on the Isle of Tiree

Project Description:

Properties were in receipt of a full suite of retrofit measures including replacing the current inefficient storage heating, which was expensive to run, particularly on a rural island location where weather has significant impact on energy use. The old heating system was replaced with ASHPs, aided by solar PV panels and integrated electric battery storage installed to provide zero carbon electricity to the dwellings, improving carbon performance and sustainability, and reducing energy costs.

Fabric first measures were installed including internal wall insulation, loft top up insulation, replacing windows and external doors, and improving thermal bridging performance and air tightness levels to reduce space heating demands and energy costs.

The combination aimed to take the houses from Band D to Band A EPC Rating. A post commissioning monitoring and evaluation assessment is being conducted to collect and analyse information on the effectiveness of the energy efficiency improvement measures and provide data that can inform future energy efficiency projects and be shared with other organisations. It is hoped that this work would help develop an archetype solution for the social rented sector and can be applied to WHHA’s other rural stock with similar issues.



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