
Social housing: net zero progress report - quarter 2 2024

Quarter 2 2024 progress reports on the social housing net zero heat fund.

Project Title: Hebridean ASHP 16

Project Organisation: Hebridean Housing Partnership

Technology Type(s): ASHP

Location(s): Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Comhairle nan Eilean siar

Grant Value: £132,176

Completion Date: March 2024

Project Headline: Project involved replacing 16 inefficient electric heating systems with new ASHP systems, with system control allowing tenants more control over electricity use

Project Description:

All properties are block cavity construction bungalows in Stornoway on the isle of Lewis. Hebridean Housing Partnership have been installing ASHP systems since 2012 and have vast experience in the utilisation of these in their social housing stock. The houses already had bead cavity insulation, full double glazing and 250mm plus of loft insulation installed.

Over the years HHP have simplified the installation and use of the system to ensure tenants only require minimal input using the provided wireless controller to increase or decrease temperature at a given point in time with the system reverting to set temperatures at the end of each day.

Each system control allows the tenant to see the exact amount of electricity used per year, per month and per week for both heating and hot water. This allows tenants to budget in advance which is beneficial for those on prepayment meters. All heat pumps will be fitted with Wi-Fi adapters to allow for weekly, monthly and yearly monitoring of costs by tenant and by HHP with consent.

This project is a continuation of a similar project funded by Social Housing Net Zero Heat Fund the previous financial year.



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