
Social housing: net zero progress report - quarter 2 2024

Quarter 2 2024 progress reports on the social housing net zero heat fund.

Project Title: Mill Place, Thankerton: Energy Efficiency Works

Project Organisation: Clydesdale Housing Association

Technology Type(s): ASHP, HHRSH, Solar PV, Battery Storage and Allume Solshare

Location(s): Thankerton, South Lanarkshire Council

Grant Value: £239,475

Completion Date: March 2024

Project Headline: Clean heating and microgeneration installed to 22 homes in Thankerton, South Lanarkshire

Project Description:

This project installed clean heating and micro generation of electricity to 22 properties in Thankerton, South Lanarkshire. The properties were a mix of archetype, both flats and houses, of different sizes. The measures installed depended on the archetype of the properties, which were previously heated with old style storage heaters.

The houses received ASHPs and solar PV with a dual inverter that allowed the storage of the electricity into an installed 3kw battery. On the flatted properties of the development Solar PV with Allume solshare was also installed enabling the sharing of solar energy from a single rooftop solar system amongst multiple dwellings within the same building. This micro generation was coupled with the Elnur Smart high heat retention storage heaters. The smart Elnur solar high heat retention storage heater allows the use of energy from the solar panels to reduce heating costs, when there’s not enough renewable energy production, it uses cheaper off-peak power to charge and top up the demand. The flatted dwellings did not receive a battery installed as the HHRSH acts as a battery. The measures that were installed will achieve up to a 60% saving on the energy costs for the tenants and future proof the assets for any future government driven targets for energy efficiency in social housing.



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