
Social housing: net zero progress report - quarter 2 2024

Quarter 2 2024 progress reports on the social housing net zero heat fund.

Project Title: Katherine Street - Building Fabric Upgrade and ASHP Installation

Project Organisation: Almond Housing Association

Technology Type(s): ASHP, EWI, Double Glazing

Location(s): Livingston, West Lothian Council

Grant Value: £418,427

Completion Date: Projected March 2025

Project Headline: Project will retrofit 25 flatted properties with ASHPs and energy efficiency upgrades including EWI and double glazing

Project Description:

Reducing fuel poverty and the climate emergency are priorities for the Almond Housing Association and the project at Katherine Street presented an opportunity to deliver low carbon technologies and retrofit energy efficiency upgrades.

This refurbishment project will replace the existing mains gas fired boilers with new ASHP systems, providing space heating and hot water. The Association will use this project as a trial for installing ASHP in their properties. If successful, this clean heat will be considered in future development and refurbishment projects. The project aims to have a significant impact on tenant’s energy bills and reducing fuel poverty.

To ensure the buildings are future proofed the project is installing Envirowall cladding and double glazing to improve the thermal efficiency and ensure the benefit of the ASHP in maximised. Ventilation measures and environmental sensors will also be installed by the Association to monitor air quality and ensure heat and ventilation benefits are being maximised.



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