
Social housing: net zero progress report - quarter 2 2024

Quarter 2 2024 progress reports on the social housing net zero heat fund.

Project Title: Balintore Mixed Tenure - Whole House Retrofit

Project Organisation: The Highland Council

Technology Type(s): EWI, Double Glazing, Insulated Doors (other measures funded via other sources)

Location(s): Balintore, Cromarty, Ross and Tain, Highland Council

Grant Value: £962,000

Completion Date: Projected March 2025

Project Headline: This project involves whole house retrofit to 38 properties of Norwegian Timber Construction built in the 1970s

Project Description:

31 properties will benefit from air source heat pumps, and all of the 38 properties will benefit from a suite of measures including: external wall insulation, loft insulation, under floor insulation, triple glazed windows, solar PV and battery, ventilation and windows. The SHNZHF requested will be used for the external wall insulation, double glazing, insulation doors and associated costs.

The remaining measures will be funded between ECO4 funding (which is already confirmed) and the Council’s own budget. SHNZHF funding will contribute to this wider project to ensure properties are made energy efficient for the other measures installed to maximise benefits and savings for tenants.

All of the properties are off the gas grid so currently utilise electricity for heating, with many experiencing fuel poverty. All of the measures are designed to reduce each properties carbon emissions and reduce energy demand by adopting a whole house approach commencing with fabric first. All installations will be undertaken to PAS2035 standards.



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