
Social landlords: pre-action requirement where domestic abuse is a factor in rent arrears Equality Impact Assessment Results

Equality impact assessment (EQIA) results for Social landlords: pre-action requirement where domestic abuse is a factor in rent arrears

Equality Impact Assessment Results

Title of Policy:

Part 5 - Housing (Scotland) Bill (“the Bill”) - Social landlords: pre-action requirement where domestic abuse is a factor in rent arrears

Summary of aims and desired outcomes of Policy:

Measures in the Bill are designed to help protect the rights of tenants (particularly women and children) experiencing domestic abuse living in social housing to remain in their home, or be re-housed if that is their wish, and ensure arrears accrued because of domestic abuse are not a barrier to accessing social housing in the future. Where domestic abuse has had an impact on rent arrears, this would require the landlord to fully consider further actions that could assist the victim-survivor before eviction action for rent arrears can be taken in court.

These measures in the Bill are intended to:

  • ensure social landlords consider domestic abuse in all rent arrears cases before commencing legal action for eviction;
  • require social landlords to support individuals experiencing domestic abuse causing rent arrears with reference to their domestic abuse policy; and
  • require social landlords to confirm to the court that the new domestic abuse related requirement has been complied with if a court action for eviction on rent arrears grounds, or grounds including rent arrears is subsequently raised.


Directorate for Local Government and Housing: Better Homes Division: Housing Legislation and Reform Unit.



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