Social Security Charter Review: research findings

This summary provides an overview of findings from research carried out to review the Scottish Social Security Charter, “Our Charter”.

Communicating the Charter

Overall, feedback was positive about the way the Charter is written. Partner organisations who took part in the research said it was clear and about the right length.

On the types of documents client survey respondents would read about the Charter, around half said they would likely read a visual summary (57%) or a document of up to 5 pages of writing (48%).

There were suggestions to include more visual elements like icons and charts to make the Charter more engaging.

Around a third (35%) of client survey respondents said a full version of the Charter was the most useful way to share it with clients.

Over half (56%) of client survey respondents said a copy of the Charter should be given out with every decision letter.

There was support from the core client group and clients from seldom heard groups to find a balance between including enough detail in the Charter and not making it too long.



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