Social Security Charter Review: research findings

This summary provides an overview of findings from research carried out to review the Scottish Social Security Charter, “Our Charter”.

Views about the Charter

Overall, clients, staff, and partner organisations said the Charter continued to reflect important values and priorities.

Strengths of the Charter are:

It was co-designed with people who have experience of social security.

It holds the Scottish Government and Social Security Scotland to account. Performance is measured via the Charter Measurement Framework. The framework measures how well the commitments in the Charter are being delivered each year.

The Charter has helped to shape a positive culture in Social Security Scotland. It also does a good job of setting out clients’ rights and how they should be treated.

Quote from partner interview participant:

“[The Charter] makes it clear that dignity, fairness and respect are at the heart of what Social Security Scotland do. It works well in driving this type of culture.”

There were some concerns about the Charter and how it is being delivered. Some Social Security Scotland staff said poor processes and a lack of training and support meant not all of the Charter commitments were delivered.

Some partner organisations said clients’ experiences of the service didn’t always “match up” with the commitments in the Charter.

Quote from staff focus group participant:

“I think [the Charter is] aspirational, I wouldn’t necessarily say that we get it right with everything that’s in it yet. I think there are still some parts of it that are aspirational or what the organisation hopes to achieve, but they are still building towards fully achieving them.”



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